Centro UTN QUITEX - Difusión Científica - Artículos de Revista

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    Augmentation of inductive effects through short range intramolecular hydrogen bonds for the improvement of cooperativity of trimeric rosettes
    (2024-02-26) Petelski, Andre Nicolai; Bundrea, Tamara; Peruchena, Nélida María
    Three key design elements improve the binding strength of trimeric rosettes: the direction of hydrogen bonds, the addition of groups with inductive effects, and the presence of ambifunctional intramolecular hydrogen bonds between the substituents.
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    Acidity of isomorphic substituted zeolites with B, Al and Ga revisited
    (2024-02-13) Petelski, Andre Nicolai; Peruchena, Nélida María; Zalazar, María Fernanda
    En este trabajo se analiza cómo afecta a a la acidez la sustitución de átomos de Silicio por átomos de Boro, Aluminio y Galio en tres tipos de zeolitas microporosas: BEA, FAU y MOR.
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    Nature and strength of weak O···O interactions in nitryl halide dimers
    (2022-12-14) Petelski, Andre Nicolai; Duarte, Darío Jorge Roberto; Peruchena, Nélida María
    The use of real space functions and molecular graphs has pushed some chemists to wonder: Are interactions between negatively charged oxygen atoms possible? In this contribution we analyze whether there is a real interaction between oxygen atoms in nitryl halide dimers (XNO2)2 (X=F, Cl, Br and I) and in tetranitromethane and derivatives. Based on ab-initio and density functional theories (DFT) methods, we show these complexes are weakly stabilized. Energy decomposition analy ses based on local molecular orbitals (LMOEDA) and interacting quantum atoms (IQA) reveal both dispersion and exchange play a crucial role in the stabilization of these complexes. Electron charge density and IQA analyses indicate that the oxygen atoms are connected by privileged exchange channels. In addition, electrostatic interactions between O and N atoms are also vital for the stabilization of the complexes. Finally, a reasonable explanation is given for the dynamic behavior of nitryl groups in tetranitromethane and derivatives.
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    Impact of covalent modifications on the hydrogen bond strengths in diaminotriazine supramolecules
    (2022-04-14) Petelski, Andre Nicolai; Pamies, Silvana Carina; Márquez, María Josefina; Peruchena, Nélida María; Sosa, Gladis Laura
    Melamine (M) is a popular triamine triazine compound in the field of supramolecular materials. In this work, we have computationally investigated how substituents can be exploited to improve the binding strength of M supramolecules. Two types of covalent modifications were studied: the substitution of an H atom within an amine group NHR, and the replacement of the whole NH2 group (R=H, F, CH3 and COCH3). Through our dispersion-corrected density functional theory computations, we explain which covalent modification will show the best self-assembling capabilities, and why the binding energy is enhanced. Our charge density and molecular orbital analyses indicate that the best substituents are those that generate a charge accumulation on the endocyclic N atom, providing an improvement of the electrostatic attraction. At the same time the substituent assists the main N H···N hydrogen bonds by interacting with the amino group of the other monomer. We also show how the selected group notably boosts the strength of hexameric rosettes. This research, therefore, provides molecular tools for the rational design of emerging materials based on uneven hydrogen-bonded arrangements.
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    Understanding the chloride affinity of barbiturates for anion receptor design
    (2021-02-25) Petelski, Andre Nicolai; Márquez, María Josefina; Pamies, Silvana Carina; Sosa, Gladis Laura; Peruchena, Nélida María
    Due to their potential binding sites, barbituric acid (BA) and its derivatives have been used in metal coordination chemistry. Yet their abilities to recognize anions remain unexplored. In this work, we were able to identify four structural features of barbiturates that are responsible for a certain anion affinity. The set of coordination interactions can be finely tuned with covalent decorations at the methylene group. DFT-D computations at the BLYP-D3(BJ)/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory show that the C—H bond is as effective as the N—H bond to coordinate chloride. An analysis of the electron charge density at the C—H···Cl— and N—H···Cl— bond critical points elucidates their similarities in covalent character. Our results reveal that the special acidity of the C—H bond shows up when the methylene group moves out of the ring plane and it is mainly governed by the orbital interaction energy. The amide and carboxyl groups are the best choices to coordinate the ion when they act together with the C—H bond. We finally show how can we use this information to rationally improve the recognition capability of a small cage-like complex that is able to coordinate NaCl.
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    Impact of confinement in multimolecular inclusion compounds of melamine and cyanuric acid
    (2019-02-25) Petelski, Andre Nicolai; Pamies, Silvana Carina; Sejas, Agustín Gabriel; Peruchena, Nélida María; Sosa, Gladis Laura
    Supramolecular cavities can be found in clathrates and self-assembling capsules. In these computational experiments, we studiedthe effect of folding planar hydrogen-bonded supramolecules of melamine (M) and cyanuric acid (CA) intostablecage-like quartets. Based on dispersion-corrected density functional theory calculations at the wB97XD/6-311++G(d,p) level, we show the flexibility of M and CA molecules to form free confined spaces. Our bonding analysis indicatesthat only CA can form a cage which is more stable than their planar systems. We then studied the capacity of the complexes to host ionic and neutral monoatomic species like Na+, Cl-and Ar. The encapsulation energies range from -2 to -65 kcal mol-1. A detailed energy decomposition analysis (EDA) support the fact that the triazine ring of CA is superior to the M one to capture chloride ions. In addition, the EDA and the topology of the electron density, by means of the Atoms in Molecules (AIM) theory and electrostatic potential maps, reveal the nature of the host-guest interactions in the confined space. The CA cluster appears to be the best multimolecular inclusion compound because it can host the three species by keeping its cage structure, and therefore could also act as a dual receptor of the ionic pair Na+Cl-. We think these findings could inspire the design of new heteromolecular inclusion compounds based on triazines and hydrogen bonds.