• Semantic interoperability model for learning object repositories 

    Sandobal Verón, Valeria Celeste; Ale, Mariel Alejandra; Gutiérrez, María de los Milagros; 0000-0003-0913-8308; 0000-0002-4866-4821; 0000-0002-3964-7931 (2023-06)
    Interoperability among repositories requires syntactic and semantic compatibility, achieved through the adoption of metadata standards. However, different learning object repositories currently use diverse metadata standards ...
  • Un servidor de sistema de archivos para un sistema de virtualización distribuido 

    Pessolani, Pablo; Padula, Diego (2019-10)
    Cuando se piensa en infraestructuras en la nube, el rol del almacenamiento tiene un protagonismo especial para lograr flexibilidad, versatilidad y escalabilidad. Deben ofrecer sistemas de archivos simples, escalables, ...
  • Software agents architecture for managing inter-organizational collaboration 

    Villarreal, Pablo; Chiotti, Omar; Tello-Leal, Edgar (2014)
    The globalization, modern markets, as well as new organizational management philosophies and advances in Information and Communications Technologies, encourage organizations to establish collaboration networks or ...
  • Software agents for management dynamic inter-organizational collaborations 

    Villarreal, Pablo; Chiotti, Omar; Tello-Leal, Edgar (2014)
    The globalization, modern markets, as well as new organizational management philosophies and advances in Information and Communications Technologies, encourage organizations to establish collaboration networks or ...
  • Supply chain design and planning for the carpet industry considering recycling processes 

    Franco, Agustina; Marchetti, Pablo A.; Méndez, Carlos A.; Zeballos, Luis J.; 0000-0003-1660-2180; 0000-0001-7580-3121; 0000-0002-8548-2912 (2023-10-21)
    This paper introduces a mixed-integer linear programming model to tackle the design and planning problem of Closed Loop Supply Chains in the carpet industry. A distinctive feature of the approach is handling different ...
  • Trabajo práctico integrador : estrategia para el desarrollo de competencias en carreras ingenieriles 

    Alzugaray, Gloria; Rodríguez Virasoro, Lucía; Orué, Matías; 0009-0006-7702-2779 (RADI - Revista Argentina de Ingenería, 2016-10)
    Los trabajos prácticos constituyen una estrategia ampliamente utilizada en la enseñanza, como actividad de afianzamiento de conceptos o para la evaluación de los objetivos de aprendizaje. Ante la necesidad de incorporar ...
  • Using UML and OCL as languages to define DEVS atomic models 

    Blas, Maria Julia; Gonnet, Silvio; 0000-0001-9629-6763; 0000-0003-3024-4754 (2020 Winter Simulation Conference, 2020)
    This paper presents a work-in-progress intended to define the foundations for building a representation of DEVS using conceptual modeling languages from information system engineering. We use UML and OCL languages to ...
  • Uso de una red de ontología para interoperar estandares de datos de productos industriales 

    Fraga, Alvaro Luis; Vegetti, Marcela; Leone, Horacio (2020)
    Las industrias de todo el mundo han sufrido las consecuencias que trajo la globalizacion. Este fenómeno impactó en la competitividad de las industrias, obligandolas a integrar sus procesos productivos con otras industrias ...
  • Validity of capillary imbibition models in paper-based microfluidic applications 

    Gerlero, Gabriel S.; Valdéz, Andrés R.; Urteaga, Raúl; Kler, Pablo A. (2022-01-04)
    Paper-based microfluidics has grown continuously over the last few years. One of the most important characteristics of paper-based microfluidic devices is the ability to pump fluids with the single action of capillary ...
  • Waste of molded pulp industry. Filler panel production for construction 

    Andrés, Federico; Beltramini, Loreley B.; Guilarducci, Anabela Guadalupe; Romano, Melisa; Ulibarrie, Nestor Oscar (2015-04)
    In the production process for producing recycled pulp cellulose, there are waste generated by the raw material entering the system. This residue is separated from the pulp by physical methods, and is mainly composed of ...