Green Bricks of Recycled Plastic: Analysis of their Production Process and Efficiency in NonLoad Bearing Structures
Amaral, Gustavo R
Correa, Pablo J.
Casari, Gabriel G.
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The material footprint in the world is extremely increasing, and plastic waste is a big part of this. The construction and infrastructure industry can promote the reduction of the material footprint by using new technologies to create a construction system, similar to a traditional system, which uses bricks from recycled plastic. In this direction, plastic waste can be used to create a new construction system, where bricks from plastic are the main components. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the
production process and efficiency of green bricks, presenting the advantages and disadvantages they bring to construction. As well as this, an example of the implementation of these green bricks in non-load bearing structures is provided. Correa, Pablo J. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Paraná. Dpto. Materias Básicas. Ingles II. Ing. Civil; Argentina
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