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dc.creatorAndrés, Federico N.
dc.creatorBeltramini, Loreley B.
dc.creatorGuilarducci, Anabela Guadalupe
dc.creatorRomano, Melisa S.
dc.creatorUlibarrie, Nestor Oscar
dc.description.abstractFrom the analysis of the production process of molded pulp packaging, it can be seen that one of the residues generated in the molding is "pulp". When this waste cannot be reincorporated into the production line, is recovered by centrifugation in the effluent treatment system. With the intention of recycling this residue it was investigated the feasibility of their use in the manufacture of concrete blocks or panels lightened studying possible ways to use the material, either in the wet state (form is discharged from the process) or dry (dried in a controlled environment), analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. For practical purposes, various dosages were proposed to maintain constant the amount of residue and varying the amounts and proportions of water and cement. Test specimens were made with various amounts of cement per m³ of concrete.es_ES
dc.subjectRecycling cellulose pulpes_ES
dc.subjectHormigones livianoses_ES
dc.subjectReciclado de pasta celulosaes_ES
dc.titleLightweight concrete : an alternative for recycling cellulose pulpes_ES
dc.description.affiliationFil: UTN. FRSFes_ES
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewedes_ES
dc.relation.projectid“Utilización de residuos generados en la producción de packaging de pasta celulósica. Factibilidad de uso en materiales para construcción.” / Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo para la Construcción y la Vivienda (CECOVI), Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional Santa Fe. PID 25/O148 [2013-2014].es_ES
dc.type.snrddocunento de conferenciaes_ES
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dc.relation.referencesIsmail Demir, M. S. B. M. O., 2005. Utilization of kraft pulp production residues in clay brick production. Building and Environmen, Issue 40, pp. 1533-1537.es_ES
dc.relation.referencesINTI-CIRSOC, 2005. Reglamento Argentino de Cargas Permanentes y Sobrecargas Mínimas de Diseño para Edificios y Otras Estructuras. Buenos Aires: s.n.es_ES
dc.relation.referencesF. Pruckner, O. G., 2004. Effect of CaCl2 and NaCl additions on concrete corrosivity. Cement and Concrete Research, Issue 34, pp. 1209-1217.es_ES
dc.relation.referencesCEPI, I. C. O. E. P., 2003. Discovering the high potential of Pulp and Paper Production Residues, Bruselas: CEPI.es_ES
dc.relation.referencesCaijun Shia, R. L. D., 2000. Pozzolanic reaction in the presence of chemical activators Part II. Reaction products and mechanism. Cement and Concrete Research, Issue 30, pp. 607-613.es_ES
dc.relation.referencesC.R. Cheeseman, S. A., 1999. Effect of calcium chloride on the hydration and leaching of lead-retarded cement. Cement and Concrete Research, Issue 29, pp. 885-892.es_ES
dc.relation.referencesZanuttini, ed. RECICLADO CELULÓSICO. Santa Fe: s.n., pp. 264-303.es_ES
dc.relation.referencesArea, M. C., Mastrantonio, G. & Velez, H., 2012. GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL EN LA FABRICACIÓN DE PAPEL RECICLADO. En: M. Á.es_ES
dc.relation.referencesÀngels Pèlach, P. M. M., 2012. Proceso de desintegración o pulpeado. En: M. Á. Zanuttini, ed. RECICLADO CELULÓSICO. Santa Fe: s.n., pp. 33-72.es_ES
dc.rights.useAutorizo la publicación de la obra: A partir de su aprobación / presentación [X] Autorizo la publicación con el debido tratamiento para su publicación, respetando licencia contraída y se adjunta (MSPRO1274_Journal Publishing And Licensing Agreement.pdf) (MSPRO1274.html) Journal: Procedia Materials Science Our reference: MSPRO1274 PII: S2211-8128(15)00143-1 DOI: 10.1016/j.mspro.2015.04.142es_ES
dc.rights.useCC0 1.0 Universal*

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