Impacto ambiental de la industria cárnica bovina y sus derivados. Enfoque de ciclo de vida.
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De todos los alimentos producidos por el hombre, la carne bovina es el que presenta la mayor huella ambiental, derivado de su gran demanda de recursos, principalmente granos, agua potable, energía eléctrica y combustibles fósiles, y de sus emisiones al ambiente a lo largo de su ciclo de vida. Algunos de los principales impactos negativos vinculados con la producción pecuaria bovina son: eutrofización del agua de superficie, filtración de nitratos y patógenos en los mantos acuíferos, acumulación de nutrientes y metales pesados excedentes en el suelo y el agua, contaminación de los recursos suelo y agua por patógenos, liberación de grandes cantidades de dióxido de carbono, metano, óxido nitroso, amoníaco y otros gases a la atmósfera, y destrucción de ecosistemas frágiles, como las selvas y bosques nativos, los humedales, los manglares y los arrecifes coralinos. Por otra parte, los cultivos destinados a alimento para el ganado y las actividades de pastoreo demandan cada vez mayores extensiones de tierra, lo que genera una creciente presión sobre los ecosistemas naturales. Este trabajo de tesis aporta datos sobre el impacto de la industria de la carne bovina a escala territorial y su contribución regional y global, utilizando el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) como metodología de evaluación de impactos.
Regarding food production, cattle meat accounts for the largest ecological footprint as a consequence of its high demand for resources, mainly crops, fresh water, electricity and fossil fuels, and the emissions to the environment throughout its life cycle. The main adverse impacts of livestock production include: surface water eutrophication, nitrates and pathogens groundwater leaching, accumulation of remaining nutrients and heavy metals in soil and water, pollution of soil and water resources by pathogens, release of high levels of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ammonia and other compounds to the atmosphere, and destruction of fragile ecosystems, including native jungles and forests, wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs. Moreover, grazing activities and growing crops to feed livestock demand ever larger extensions of land, thus increasing pressure on natural ecosystems. This thesis provides inputs regarding the impact of cattle meat industry locally, regionally and globally, using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as an impact evaluation methodology.
Regarding food production, cattle meat accounts for the largest ecological footprint as a consequence of its high demand for resources, mainly crops, fresh water, electricity and fossil fuels, and the emissions to the environment throughout its life cycle. The main adverse impacts of livestock production include: surface water eutrophication, nitrates and pathogens groundwater leaching, accumulation of remaining nutrients and heavy metals in soil and water, pollution of soil and water resources by pathogens, release of high levels of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ammonia and other compounds to the atmosphere, and destruction of fragile ecosystems, including native jungles and forests, wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs. Moreover, grazing activities and growing crops to feed livestock demand ever larger extensions of land, thus increasing pressure on natural ecosystems. This thesis provides inputs regarding the impact of cattle meat industry locally, regionally and globally, using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as an impact evaluation methodology.
Ingeniería Ambiental, Impacto Ambiental, Carne Bovina, Análisis de Ciclo de Vida, ACV, ReCiPe, Residuos Sólidos, Efluentes Líquidos, Emisiones GEI, Efecto Invernadero, Calentamiento Global, Recursos, Energía, Transporte, Combustibles Fósiles, Agua Dulce, Metales Pesados, Alternativas Vegetales, Environmental Engineering, Cattle Meat, Life Cycle Assessment, LCA, Solid Wastes, Liquid Effluents, GHG Emissions, Global Warming, Resources, Energy, Transport, Fossil Fuels, Fresh Water, Heavy Metals, Vegetable Alternatives
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