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Clogging transition of many particle systems flowing through bottlenecks
(Scientific Reports, 2014)When a large set of discrete bodies passes through a bottleneck, the flow may become intermittent due to the development of clogs that obstruct the constriction. Clogging is observed, for instance, in colloidal suspensions, ... -
Structure of force networks in tapped particulate systems of disks and pentagons II Persistence analysis
(American Physical Society, 2016)In the companion paper [Pugnaloni et al., Phys. Rev. E 93, 062902 (2016)], we use classical measures based on force probability density functions (PDFs), as well as Betti numbers (quantifying the number of components, ... -
Experimental proof of faster is slower in systems of frictional particles flowing through constrictions
(American Physical Society, 2015)The “faster-is-slower” (FIS) effect was first predicted by computer simulations of the egress of pedestrians through a narrow exit [D. Helbing, I. J. Farkas, and T. Vicsek, Nature (London) 407, 487 (2000)]. FIS refers to ... -
Apparent mass during silo discharge Nonlinear effects related to filling protocols
(Elsevier, 2017)We study the evolution of the force exerted by a granular column on the bottom surface of a silo during its discharge. Previous to the discharge, we prepare the system using different filling procedures: distributed, i.e. ... -
Clogging transition of vibration driven vehicles passing through constrictions
(American Physical Society, 2017)We report experimental results on the competitive passage of elongated self-propelled vehicles rushing through a constriction. For the chosen experimental conditions, we observe the emergence of intermittencies similar to ... -
Arching during the segregation of two dimensional tapped granular systems Mixtures versus intruders
(Springer, 2014)We present numerical simulations of binary mixtures of granular disks subjected to tapping. We consider the size segregation process in terms of the arches formed by small and big particles. Although arching has been ... -
Effect of particle shape and fragmentation on the response of particle dampers
(SAGE Publications, 2014)A particle damper (PD) is a device that can attenuate mechanical vibrations thanks to the dissipative collisions between grains contained in a cavity attached to the vibrating structure. It has been recently suggested that, ... -
Structure of force networks in tapped particulate systems of disks and pentagons I Clusters and loops
(American Physical Society, 2016)The force network of a granular assembly, defined by the contact network and the corresponding contact forces, carries valuable information about the state of the packing. Simple analysis of these networks based on the ... -
Wang Landau algorithm for entropic sampling of arch based microstates in the volume ensemble of static granular packings
(Papers in Physics, 2015)We implement the Wang-Landau algorithm to sample with equal probabilities the static configurations of a model granular system. The "non-interacting rigid arch model" used is based on the description of static configurations ... -
Flow rate of polygonal grains through a bottleneck Interplay between shape and size
(Papers in Physics, 2015)We report two-dimensional simulations of circular and polygonal grains passing through an aperture at the bottom of a silo. The mass flow rate for regular polygons is lower than for disks\red{,} as observed by other authors. ... -
Relevance of system size to the steady state properties of tapped granular systems
(American Physical Society, 2015)We investigate the steady-state packing fraction ϕ and force moment tensor Σ of quasi-two-dimensional granular columns subjected to tapping. Systems of different height h and width L are considered. We find that ϕ and Σ, ... -
Ergodic nonergodic transition in tapped granular systems; The role of persistent contacts
(Papers in Physics, 2016)Static granular packs have been studied in the last three decades in the frame of a modi ed equilibrium statistical mechanics that assumes ergodicity as a basic postulate. The canonical example on which this framework is ... -
First order phase transition during displacement of amphiphilic biomacromolecules from interfaces by surfactant molecules
(Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2014)The adsorption of surfactants onto a hydrophobic interface, already laden with a fixed number of polymers, is studied using the self consistent field (SCF) calculation method of Scheutjens and Fleer. For polymers having ... -
Tapped granular packings described as complex networks
(Taylor and Francis, 2013)We characterize the structure of simulated two-dimensional granular packings using con- cepts from complex networks theory. The packings are generated by a simulated tapping protocol, which allows us to obtain states in ... -
Dynamic transition in conveyor belt driven granular flow
(Elsevier, 2015)We consider the flow of disks of diameter d driven by a conveyor belt of dynamic friction coefficient μ through an aperture on a flat barrier. The flow rate presents two distinct regimes. At low belt velocities v the flow ... -
On and off dynamics of a creeping frictional system
(Springer, 2014)We report on the dynamics of a model frictional system submitted to minute external perturbations. The system consists of a chain of sliders connected through elastic springs that rest on an incline. By introducing cyclic ... -
Contact network topology in tapped granular media
(American Physical Society, 2013)We analyze the contact network of simulated two-dimensional granular packings in different states of mechanical equilibrium obtained by tapping. We show that topological descriptors of the contact network allow one to ...