Hydrodynamic Model for the Plasma-Gas Flow in a Cutting Torch Nozzle.


We present a simple hydrodynamic model to obtain the profiles of the relevant physical quantities along a nozzle of arbitrary cross-section in a cutting torch. The model uses a two-zone approximation (a hot central plasma carrying the discharge current wrapped by a relatively cold gas which thermally isolates the nozzle wall from the plasma). Seeking for a solution with sonic conditions at the nozzle exit, the model allows expressing all the profiles in terms of the externally controlled parameters of the torch (geometry of the torch, discharge current, mass flow of the gas and plenum pressure) and the values of the arc and gas temperatures at the nozzle entrance. These last two values can be estimated simply appealing to energy conservation in the cathode-nozzle region. The model contains additional features compared with previous reported models, while retaining simplicity. The detailed consideration of an arc region coupled to the surrounding gas dynamics allows determining voltage drops and consequent delivered power with less assumptions than those found in other published works, and at the same time reduces the set of parameters needed to determine the solution.



Hydrodynamic Model., Cutting Torch., Plasma-Gas Flow.


Brazilian Journal of Physics.



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