On the Double-Arcing Phenomenon in a Cutting Arc Torch.
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Transferred arc plasma torches are widely used in industrial cutting process of metallic
materials because of their ability to cut almost any metal and the very high productivity that
can be achieved with this technology (Boulos et al., 1994).
The plasma cutting process is characterized by a transferred electric arc that is established
between a cathode, which is a part of the cutting torch, and a work-piece (the metal to be
cut) acting as the anode. In order to obtain a high-quality cut, the plasma jet must be as
collimated as possible and also must have a high power density. To this end, the transferred
arc is constricted by a metallic tube (a nozzle) with a small inner diameter (of the order of
one millimeter). Usually, a vortex-type flow with large axial and azimuthal velocity
components is forced through the nozzle to provide arc stability and to protect its inner
wall. In such case the hot arc is confined to the center of the nozzle, while centrifugal forces
drive the colder fluid towards the nozzle walls, which are thus thermally protected. The
axial component of the gas flow continuously supplies cold fluid, providing an intense
convective cooling at the arc fringes. In addition, the vortex flow enhances the power
dissipation per unit length of the arc column, resulting in high temperatures at the arc axis.
Since the nozzle is subjected to a very high heat flux, it is made of a metal with a high
thermal conductivity (copper is broadly used). The arc current is of the order of ten up to a
few hundred amperes, and the gas pressure is several atmospheres. Arc axis temperatures
around 15 kK are usual, but larger values, close to 25 kK or even higher, have been reached.
Double-Arcing., Cutting Arc Torch., Plasma.
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