Determinación de la resistencia al aplastamiento en madera Pino Elliotti.
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El comportamiento estructural de maderas provenientes de especies cultivadas en bosques
implantados en Argentina se rige según nuestro Reglamento CIRSOC 601. En el suplemento 4,
destinado a uniones, contiene una tabla de valores de resistencia al aplastamiento basada en la
existente de las NDS 2005 (National Design Specifications for Wood Construction), pero para
verificar su aplicabilidad es necesario determinar este parámetro en maderas de uso corriente
de nuestro país. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo calcular la resistencia al aplastamiento
y las deformaciones sobre los elementos de fijación tipo clavija realizadas con pernos rígidos, y
luego comparar los resultados obtenidos con los valores dados por el CIRSOC 601. Para ello se
realizaron los ensayos en dirección paralela a la fibra con un perno rígido de 7 mm de diámetro,
de acuerdo a las prescripciones de la Norma UNE-EN 383:2007. Los valores de resistencia
característica al aplastamiento obtenidos resultaron sensiblemente inferiores respecto a los
propuestos en la tabla S.4.1.1-1 del suplemento 4 del Reglamento CIRSOC 601. Publicaciones
anteriores, para otras especies cultivadas en la Argentina, presentan comportamientos
similares, por lo que los valores con origen en las NDS 2005 deben ser utilizados con precaución.
The structural behavior of wood from species grown in forests planted in Argentina is governed by our CIRSOC 601 Regulation. In supplement 4, destined to unions, a table of embedding strength values which depends on anhydrous specific gravity and pin diameter was incorporated, based on the existing NDS 2005 (National Design Specifications for Wood Construction), but to verify its applicability, it is necessary todetermine this parameter for wood commonly used in our country. The objective of this work is to calculate the resistance to crushing and deformations on the dowel-type fixing elements, made with rigid bolts, and then comparing the results obtained with the values given by CIRSOC 601. The tests were performed in a parallel direction to the fibers, with a rigid bolt of 7 mm of diameter, according to the requirements of the UNE-EN 383:2007. Characteristic values for embedding strength obtained were significantly lower compared with those given in Table S.4.1.1-1 Supplement 4 of CIRSOC 601. Previous publications for other cultivated species in Argentina show similar behavior, so that the values given by the NDS 2005 should be used with caution.
The structural behavior of wood from species grown in forests planted in Argentina is governed by our CIRSOC 601 Regulation. In supplement 4, destined to unions, a table of embedding strength values which depends on anhydrous specific gravity and pin diameter was incorporated, based on the existing NDS 2005 (National Design Specifications for Wood Construction), but to verify its applicability, it is necessary todetermine this parameter for wood commonly used in our country. The objective of this work is to calculate the resistance to crushing and deformations on the dowel-type fixing elements, made with rigid bolts, and then comparing the results obtained with the values given by CIRSOC 601. The tests were performed in a parallel direction to the fibers, with a rigid bolt of 7 mm of diameter, according to the requirements of the UNE-EN 383:2007. Characteristic values for embedding strength obtained were significantly lower compared with those given in Table S.4.1.1-1 Supplement 4 of CIRSOC 601. Previous publications for other cultivated species in Argentina show similar behavior, so that the values given by the NDS 2005 should be used with caution.
Resistencia al aplastamiento, Uniones., Pinus elliottii., Pino elliotti., Fijación tipo clavija., Estructura de madera.
JIT 2021.
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