Normalizing Transducer Signals: An Overview of a Proposed Standard


This paper presents an overview of the proposed standard ISO/IEC/IEEE P21451-001 for sensor signals that is currently under development. The IoT, Internet of Things, is a reality. Most of things have sensors embedded without drawing distinction between industrial and consumer products. Things can be easily identified and the protocols that govern the traffic over the nets are well defined. However, what is difficult to define is the information that a thing with sensors should report. Therefore, the objective of this standard is to define a first approach to describe sensor signals, in a way that can be applied to any sensor extracting information from samples. The paper is divided into two main sections. The first one describes the basic algorithms that extract knowledge from samples. The second one shows the internal structure of the working group for normalizing these algorithms and the remaining challenges.



tandards; Sensor Signals; Internet of Things; IEEE 1451; .




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