Characterization of reference standards for dirt by Laser Ablation Induced Photoacoustics (LAIP)


Measurements of surface cleanliness and dirt characterization are important problems in a wide range of processes in industry and production. Standard methods are in most cases cumber some laboratory procedures that must be performed out of the production lines. Instruments and methods for clean liness determination and dirt characterization require reference standards for calibration. For that purpose we built a possible dirt reference standard (DRS) made by films of graphite greases ubjected to heat treatment for mechanical stabilization. The DRS characterization was performed by Laser Ablation Induced Photoacoustics (LAIP). The measurement of the thickness of the films was made by low-coherence interferometry.



UTN, Facultad Regional Delta, Laser Ablation, Photoacoustics


D J O Orzi, E N Morel, J R Torga, A N Roviglione and G M Bilmes "Characterization of referencestandardsfordirtby Laser AblationInducedPhotoacoustics (LAIP)”-Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 214, 15th International ConferenceonPhotoacoustic and PhotothermalPhenomena (ICPPP15) 19–23 July 2009, Leuven, Belgium



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