Evaluación de la producción de hidrógeno electrolítico y posibilidades de almacenamiento subterráneo en la región entrerriana
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Este trabajo expone avances sobre estudios de evaluación de la producción de hidrógeno
por electrólisis de agua, utilizando energía primaria renovable procedente de la generadora
hidroeléctrica de la región entrerriana. Para la producción electrolítica, se consideran tanto los
excedentes hídricos no despachados a la red de energía eléctrica o energía de vertido en el año 2017,
pudiéndose producir del orden de 50 toneladas diarias de hidrógeno verde, como la disposición de un
porcentaje de la generación para la producción de 12,5 toneladas diarias de hidrógeno. Posteriormente
se plantea el almacenamiento de hidrógeno en estado gaseoso en el subsuelo provincial para su futura
utilización. Para este objetivo, se efectuaron estudios de correlación, análisis de la geología, litología y
estratigrafía del subsuelo; a través del examen de datos existentes de pozos hidrotermales de la región.
La caracterización de variables petrofísicas primarias y secundarias como indicadoras de la aptitud y
cualidad de las unidades formacionales como posible reservorio, como permeabilidad y porosidad,
fueron evaluadas de los informes y memorias existentes del Sistema Acuífero Guaraní. Se concluye que
las formaciones Botucatú y Miembro Solari, presentan adecuadas características petrográficas como
reservorio y la Formación Serra Geral como roca sello de las 12,5 toneladas diarias de hidrógeno que
serían generadas mediante el porcentaje de energía dispuesta para esta producción. El presente estudio
forma parte del trabajo de una tesis en Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad Tecnología Nacional,
Facultad Regional Concordia.
This work exposes advances on the assessment of studies of hydrogen production by electrolysis of water, using renewable primary energy from the hydroelectric generator of the Entre Ríos region. For electrolytic production, both the water surpluses not dispatched to the electricity grid or discharged energy in 2017 are considered, being able to produce around 50 tons of green hydrogen per day, as well as the disposal of a percentage of the generation for the production of 12.5 tons of hydrogen per day. Subsequently, the storage of hydrogen in a gaseous state in the provincial subsoil for its future use is proposed. For this objective, correlation studies, analysis of the geology, lithology and stratigraphy of the subsoil were carried out; through examination of existing data from hydrothermal wells in the region. The characterization of primary and secondary petrophysical variables as indicators of the176 aptitude and quality of the formational units as a possible reservoir, such as permeability and porosity, were evaluated from the existing reports and memories of the Guarani Aquifer System. It is concluded that the Botucatú and Solari Member formations present adequate petrographic characteristics as a reservoir and the Serra Geral Formation as a seal rock for the 12.5 tons of hydrogen per day that would be generated through the percentage of energy available for this production. The present study is part of the work of a thesis in Environmental Engineering of the National Technology University, Concordia Regional Faculty.
This work exposes advances on the assessment of studies of hydrogen production by electrolysis of water, using renewable primary energy from the hydroelectric generator of the Entre Ríos region. For electrolytic production, both the water surpluses not dispatched to the electricity grid or discharged energy in 2017 are considered, being able to produce around 50 tons of green hydrogen per day, as well as the disposal of a percentage of the generation for the production of 12.5 tons of hydrogen per day. Subsequently, the storage of hydrogen in a gaseous state in the provincial subsoil for its future use is proposed. For this objective, correlation studies, analysis of the geology, lithology and stratigraphy of the subsoil were carried out; through examination of existing data from hydrothermal wells in the region. The characterization of primary and secondary petrophysical variables as indicators of the176 aptitude and quality of the formational units as a possible reservoir, such as permeability and porosity, were evaluated from the existing reports and memories of the Guarani Aquifer System. It is concluded that the Botucatú and Solari Member formations present adequate petrographic characteristics as a reservoir and the Serra Geral Formation as a seal rock for the 12.5 tons of hydrogen per day that would be generated through the percentage of energy available for this production. The present study is part of the work of a thesis in Environmental Engineering of the National Technology University, Concordia Regional Faculty.
Hidrógeno electrolítico, Electrolizadores alcalinos, Almacenamiento de hidrógeno gaseoso, Unidades formacionales, Porosidad y permeabilidad, Electrolytic hydrogen, Alkaline electrolyzers, Gaseous hydrogen storage, Formational units, Porosity and permeability
XLIV Reunión de Trabajo de la Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente
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