Barreras reactivas permeables como reactores químicos para remediación de aguas subterráneas impactadas con BTEX y MTBE
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Este trabajo de tesis presenta un estudio sobre la aplicación de una cupla de oxidantes
químicos integrados con otros materiales de manera tal de poder ser aplicado como
relleno de barreras reactivas permeables. Dicho sistema ha sido desarrollado para el
tratamiento de aguas subterráneas impactadas principalmente con compuestos
orgánicos provenientes de derrames de naftas. Uno de los oxidantes, el ferrato de
potasio, es un oxidante químico novedoso, por dicho motivo se sintetizó en laboratorio
a través de diferentes vías: húmeda, seca y electroquímica. Posteriormente, se
estudiaron las propiedades de interés más importantes del ferrato de potasio como
ser: su estabilidad en el medio acuoso, su capacidad para degradar BTEX y MtBE
disueltos en agua y el efecto de la variación del pH del medio. A continuación, se
estudió el comportamiento conjunto del ferrato de potasio y del persulfato de sodio,
siendo el persulfato el último compuesto químico en ser empleado en remediación de
agua subterránea por oxidación química in situ en la actualidad. Se desarrolló luego
un pellet constituido por carbón activado, ligante cementicio, caolín y ambos oxidantes.
Dicho pellet fue ensayado como relleno de barreras reactivas permeables considerando
sus propiedades estructurales, su capacidad de adsorción y degradación de BTEX y
MtBE. Para finalizar, se identificaron las principales características hidrogeológicas a
considerar en el diseño de una barrera, que sumadas al desarrollo matemático de los
principales fenómenos fisicoquímicos que suceden dentro de la misma, permitieron
plantear un procedimiento de diseño de barreras reactivas permeables como si se
tratase de un reactor químico.
This aim of this thesis is to study the application of chemical oxidant combinations integrated with other materials in such a way that it can be applied as a filling of permeable reactive barriers. This system has been developed to treat contaminated groundwater with organic compounds mainly derived from gasoline spills. Potassium ferrate is a novel chemical oxidant with great potential for this issue and whose synthesis mechanism can be carried out in the laboratory through three different ways: wet, dry and electrochemical. Furthermore, the most relevant properties of interest of potassium ferrate were studied, such as its stability in the aqueous medium, its capacity to degrade BTEX and MtBE dissolved in water and the effect of the pH variation of the medium. Next, a research on the joint behaviour of potassium ferrate and sodium persulfate was performed, being persulfate the latest chemical compound to be used in groundwater remediation by in situ chemical oxidation at present. A fill (pellet) was developed, consisting of activated carbon, cementitious binder, kaolin, and both oxidants. It was then tested as a reactive material of permeable barriers considering its structural properties, its adsorption capacity, and degradation of BTEX and MtBE. Finally, the main hydrogeological attributes to be considered in the design of a barrier were identified, which together with the mathematical development of the main physicochemical phenomena that occur within it, allowed the proposition of a permeable reactive barrier design procedure as if it were a chemical reactor.
This aim of this thesis is to study the application of chemical oxidant combinations integrated with other materials in such a way that it can be applied as a filling of permeable reactive barriers. This system has been developed to treat contaminated groundwater with organic compounds mainly derived from gasoline spills. Potassium ferrate is a novel chemical oxidant with great potential for this issue and whose synthesis mechanism can be carried out in the laboratory through three different ways: wet, dry and electrochemical. Furthermore, the most relevant properties of interest of potassium ferrate were studied, such as its stability in the aqueous medium, its capacity to degrade BTEX and MtBE dissolved in water and the effect of the pH variation of the medium. Next, a research on the joint behaviour of potassium ferrate and sodium persulfate was performed, being persulfate the latest chemical compound to be used in groundwater remediation by in situ chemical oxidation at present. A fill (pellet) was developed, consisting of activated carbon, cementitious binder, kaolin, and both oxidants. It was then tested as a reactive material of permeable barriers considering its structural properties, its adsorption capacity, and degradation of BTEX and MtBE. Finally, the main hydrogeological attributes to be considered in the design of a barrier were identified, which together with the mathematical development of the main physicochemical phenomena that occur within it, allowed the proposition of a permeable reactive barrier design procedure as if it were a chemical reactor.
Barreras reactivas, BTEX-Mtbe, Oxidación química, Agua subterránea
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