Fabricación de componentes constructivos con la fracción plástica de residuos provenientes de reciclado de RAEE
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Hoy en día, la problemática de los residuos genera gran preocupación y sobre todo requiere de acciones
desde distintos ámbitos. Los residuos han provocado daños irreversibles en el ambiente que impactan
directamente en las personas y demás seres vivos. Calentamiento global, incremento del diámetro del
agujero en la capa de ozono, sequías, incendios forestales, derretimiento de los glaciares son algunas de
las problemáticas que escuchamos casi a diario.
Uno de los residuos que más daño genera y que más se ha incrementado en las últimas décadas es el de
los provenientes de los Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos o bien, RAEEs. Esta corriente de residuos
presenta contaminantes que, en contacto con la tierra o el agua se trasladan hasta llegar al contacto con
seres vivos y causando graves problemas de salud.
En esta tesis se hace hincapié en la fracción plástica de los RAEES (FPR). La FPR se forma por las carcasas
de plástico que se desprenden del residuo y que son muy difíciles de reciclar, reusar o reinsertan en un
proceso productivo debido a que se encuentran contaminadas con metales pesados o retardantes de
llama bromados, producto de haber estado durante si vida útil en contacto con el aparato. El resto del
aparato, es decir toda su parte electrónica interna, hoy en día ha encontrado su corriente de reciclado en
la minería urbana y re uso de partes con buen funcionamiento.
El objetivo de este estudio es lograr un reciclado seguro y eficiente de esta FPR para evitar así su
desperdicio y lograr inserción en un ciclo productivo, el de la construcción. Se desarrolló un sistema que
permite encapsular la partícula para retener químicamente en su matriz los contaminantes y con este se
desarrolló un agregado para morteros que a la vez presenta una forma de producción sencilla y
económica que puede ser llevada a cabo sin conocimientos técnicos específicos, grandes inversiones de
capital o necesidad de infraestructura compleja o de gran porte.
En virtud de lo investigado, es posible neutralizar los contaminantes tanto metálicos como orgánicos
mediante un sistema sencillo de encapsulado con cemento y aditivos. Con este procedimiento se logra
generar un agregado apto para morteros y construcciones en general que presenta propiedades
mecánicas aptas para tal fin.
Finalmente se desarrollan propuestas de componentes constructivos y su respectivo proceso de
producción y un análisis de ciclo de vida que permitió determinar su elegibilidad frente a otras alternativas.
Nowadays, the problem of waste generates great concern and above all requires actions from different areas. The waste has caused irreversible damage to the environment that directly impacts people and other living beings. Global warming, increasing the diameter of the hole in the ozone layer, droughts, forest fires, melting glaciers are some of the problems we hear almost daily. One of the wastes that generates the most damage and that has increased the most in recent decades is that of those from Electrical and Electronic Equipment or WEEEs. This stream of waste presents contaminants that, in contact with land or water, are transferred until they reach contact with living beings and causing serious health problems. This thesis emphasizes the plastic fraction of RAEES (FPR). The FPR is formed by the plastic housings that are detached from the waste and that are very difficult to recycle, reuse or reinsert in a production process because they are contaminated with heavy metals or brominated flame retardants, product of having been during its useful life in contact with the device. The rest of the device, that is, all its internal electronic part, today has found its current of recycling in urban mining and reuse of parts with good functioning. The objective of this study is to achieve a safe and efficient recycling of this RPF to avoid its waste and achieve insertion in a productive cycle, that of construction. A system was developed that allows encapsulating the particle to chemically retain contaminants in its matrix and with this an aggregate for mortars was developed that at the same time presents a simple and economical form of production that can be carried out without specific technical knowledge, large capital investments or the need for complex or large infrastructure. By virtue of the research, it is possible to neutralize both metallic and organic contaminants by means of a simple encapsulation system with cement and additives. With this procedure it is possible to generate an aggregate suitable for mortars and constructions in general that has mechanical properties suitable for this purpose. Finally, proposals for construction components and their respective production process and a life cycle analysis are developed that allowed to determine their eligibility against other alternatives.
Nowadays, the problem of waste generates great concern and above all requires actions from different areas. The waste has caused irreversible damage to the environment that directly impacts people and other living beings. Global warming, increasing the diameter of the hole in the ozone layer, droughts, forest fires, melting glaciers are some of the problems we hear almost daily. One of the wastes that generates the most damage and that has increased the most in recent decades is that of those from Electrical and Electronic Equipment or WEEEs. This stream of waste presents contaminants that, in contact with land or water, are transferred until they reach contact with living beings and causing serious health problems. This thesis emphasizes the plastic fraction of RAEES (FPR). The FPR is formed by the plastic housings that are detached from the waste and that are very difficult to recycle, reuse or reinsert in a production process because they are contaminated with heavy metals or brominated flame retardants, product of having been during its useful life in contact with the device. The rest of the device, that is, all its internal electronic part, today has found its current of recycling in urban mining and reuse of parts with good functioning. The objective of this study is to achieve a safe and efficient recycling of this RPF to avoid its waste and achieve insertion in a productive cycle, that of construction. A system was developed that allows encapsulating the particle to chemically retain contaminants in its matrix and with this an aggregate for mortars was developed that at the same time presents a simple and economical form of production that can be carried out without specific technical knowledge, large capital investments or the need for complex or large infrastructure. By virtue of the research, it is possible to neutralize both metallic and organic contaminants by means of a simple encapsulation system with cement and additives. With this procedure it is possible to generate an aggregate suitable for mortars and constructions in general that has mechanical properties suitable for this purpose. Finally, proposals for construction components and their respective production process and a life cycle analysis are developed that allowed to determine their eligibility against other alternatives.
Reciclado, Agregado plástico, RAEE
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