Analysis of Residual Stresses in High Speed Milled Aluminum Alloys

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The purpose of this study is to evaluate, from high speed machining tests, the behavior of the residual stresses induced in samples of AA 6082-T6 and AA 7075-T6 aluminum alloys. This study includes an exhaustive analysis of residual stress anisotropy from diameters of Mohr's circles. The combination of process parameters was modified in order to evaluate the stress changes introduced in different zones of the surfaces generated. A method of micro-indents, which includes the adaptation of a universal measuring machine, was used to determine, with high accuracy, the normal components of residual stress in several directions. The obtained results reveal that although, in the alloy 7075-T6, the normal components are lower, in the alloy 6082-T6, these normal components tend to be grouped into smaller intervals and also, to show a more homogeneous directional behavior when the cutting conditions are more severe.



Aluminum alloys, high speed machining, indent method, Mohr's circle, residual stresses, High speed machining, indent method,, Mohr's circle, residual stresses


Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 14(3): 119-123, 2017



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