Biomarcadores aplicados al estudio de crudos extraídos de la Formación Magallanes, Cuenca Austral, Argentina
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En la columna estratigráfica de la Cuenca Austral son varias las unidades que actúan
como rocas de yacimiento, y una de ellas es la Formación Magallanes. Sus características
litológicas la convierten en una unidad de interés para la definición de los sistemas petrolíferos
de la cuenca. Por tal motivo, los biomarcadores geoquímicos orgánicos: saturados
(n-parafinas, isoprenoides acíclicos pristano y fitano, esteranos y terpanos) y aromáticos
(naftalenos, fenantrenos y dibenzotiofenos) fueron evaluados en cinco crudos provenientes de
dos yacimientos de la Formación Magallanes con la finalidad de establecer el tipo de materia
orgánica que les dio origen, el grado de madurez térmica alcanzado por los mismos
y, por otro lado, determinar la litología y las condiciones de depositación que controlaron
la acumulación y preservación de la materia orgánica en su roca madre. Los crudos fueron
sometidos a una separación de sus fracciones alifáticas y aromáticas por cromatografía de
adsorción sólido-líquido en columna y los extractos obtenidos fueron analizados por
separado mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GCMS).
A partir de las relaciones de diagnóstico, calculadas con las abundancias relativas de
los biomarcadores, se sugiere que la materia orgánica precursora fue de tipo mixto marino
- continental, depositada en un ambiente con concentración moderada de oxígeno (disóxico-
subóxico), en el cual la roca madre se caracterizó por ser de naturaleza marina y siliciclástica
(lutitas de prodelta). Se observó una única diferencia en la madurez térmica, los
crudos del yacimiento Agua Fresca son maduros y los de María Inés se ubicaron en el límite
entre maduros y sobremaduros. Las evidencias experimentales permiten proponer que este
último grupo de petróleos sufrió un proceso de maduración térmica en su yacimiento.
In the stratigraphic column of the Austral basin, there are several units that behave as reservoir rocks, and one of them is the Magallanes Formation. Its lithological characteristics make it a unit of interest for the definition of the petroleum systems in the basin. For this reason, the organic geochemical biomarkers: saturated (n-paraffins, acyclic isoprenoids pristane and phytane, steranes and terpanes) and aromatic (naphthalenes, phenanthrenes and dibenzothiophenes) were evaluated in five crude oils from two Magallanes Formation reservoirs in order to establish their precursor organic matter type, the thermal maturity degree and, the lithology and depositional conditions that controlled the accumulation and preservation of organic matter in their source rock. The crude oils were subjected to separation of their aliphatic and aromatic fractions by solid-liquid adsorption column analyzed each one by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). From the diagnostic ratios, calculated with the relative abundances of the biomarkers, it is suggested that the organic matter source (mixed marine-continental), were deposited in a sedimentary environment with moderate-to-low oxygen concentration (disoxyc-suboxyc), in which the source rock was characterized as marine and siliciclastic in nature (delta dominated shelf shales). The only difference was observed in the crude oils thermal maturity, with the Agua Fresca being mature and the María Inés located on the borderline between mature and over-mature. The experimental evidence suggests a thermal maturation process over Maria Inés crude oils in their reservoir.
In the stratigraphic column of the Austral basin, there are several units that behave as reservoir rocks, and one of them is the Magallanes Formation. Its lithological characteristics make it a unit of interest for the definition of the petroleum systems in the basin. For this reason, the organic geochemical biomarkers: saturated (n-paraffins, acyclic isoprenoids pristane and phytane, steranes and terpanes) and aromatic (naphthalenes, phenanthrenes and dibenzothiophenes) were evaluated in five crude oils from two Magallanes Formation reservoirs in order to establish their precursor organic matter type, the thermal maturity degree and, the lithology and depositional conditions that controlled the accumulation and preservation of organic matter in their source rock. The crude oils were subjected to separation of their aliphatic and aromatic fractions by solid-liquid adsorption column analyzed each one by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). From the diagnostic ratios, calculated with the relative abundances of the biomarkers, it is suggested that the organic matter source (mixed marine-continental), were deposited in a sedimentary environment with moderate-to-low oxygen concentration (disoxyc-suboxyc), in which the source rock was characterized as marine and siliciclastic in nature (delta dominated shelf shales). The only difference was observed in the crude oils thermal maturity, with the Agua Fresca being mature and the María Inés located on the borderline between mature and over-mature. The experimental evidence suggests a thermal maturation process over Maria Inés crude oils in their reservoir.
biomarcadores, materia orgánica, Formación Magallanes, biomarkers, organic matter, Magallanes Formation, Austral Basin, Cuenca Austral, Argentina
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Volumen 74 Número 1
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