On the use of the double floating probe method to infer the difference between the electron and the heavy particles temperatures in an atmospheric pressure, vortexstabilized nitrogen plasma jet.
Prevosto, Leandro
Kelly, Héctor
Mancinelli, Beatriz
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Sweeping double probe measurements in an atmospheric pressure direct current vortex-stabilized
plasma jet are reported (plasma conditions: 100 A discharge current, N2 gas flow rate of 25 Nl/min,
thoriated tungsten rod-type cathode, copper anode with 5 mm inner diameter). The interpretation of
the double probe characteristic was based on a generalization of the standard double floating probe
formulae for non-uniform plasmas coupled to a non-equilibrium plasma composition model. Pertur bations caused by the current to the probe together with collisional and thermal processes inside the
probe perturbed region were taken into account. Radial values of the average electron and heavy par ticle temperatures as well as the electron density were obtained. The calculation of the temperature
values did not require any specific assumption about a temperature relationship between different
particle species. An electron temperature of 10 900 ± 900 K, a heavy particle temperature of 9300
± 900 K, and an electron density of about 3.5 × 1022 m−3 were found at the jet centre at 3.5 mm
downstream from the torch exit. Large deviations from kinetic equilibrium were found toward the
outer border of the plasma jet. These results showed good agreement with those previously reported
by the authors by using a single probe technique. The calculations have shown that this method
is particularly useful for studying spraying-type plasma torches operated at power levels of about
15 kW.
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