Comportamiento a la corrosión de un acero endurecible por precipitación nitrurado y recubierto con SiOxNy
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Los aceros inoxidables endurecibles por precipitación (PH) son utilizados en aplicaciones donde se requiere resistencia al desgaste y a la corrosión. Para mejorar las propiedades superficiales se pueden combinar tratamientos termoquímicos con la deposición de un recubrimiento duro.
Se presentan los resultados del estudio del comportamiento a la corrosión y a la erosión de un
recubrimiento de SiOxNy depositado sobre un acero PH nitrurado (proceso dúplex) comparándolo con el acero sólo nitrurado en dos condiciones diferentes. Se analizó la microestructura, se realizaron ensayos de erosión-corrosión, de corrosión en niebla salina y de polarización cíclica en NaCl.
El recubrimiento fue de 1,4 µm de espesor y dureza de 2300 HV. En los ensayos de erosión y de corrosión, el mejor comportamiento lo tuvo la muestra dúplex (nitrurada y recubierta).Esto podría atribuirse a que la capa nitrurada resulta una buena interfaz que mejora la adhesión y aporta un buen soporte mecánico.
Precipitation hardening stainless steels are used in applications where wear and corrosion resistance are required. To improve the surface properties, thermochemical treatments in combination with hard coatings can be used. In this work, the corrosion behavior of a SiOxNy coating deposited on nitrided and non-nitrided Corrax® PH stainless steel were evaluated comparing it with the behavior of samples which were only nitrided, in two different conditions of nitrogen percentage in the working gases. The microstructure was analyzed. Corrosion behavior was evaluated by the Salt Spray Fog Test and cyclic potentiodynamic polarization in NaCl solution. Erosion-corrosion tests were conducted. The thickness of the coating was about 1.4 microns and its hardness was 2300 HV. The film had better erosion and corrosion behavior when it was deposited on the nitrided steel. It could be due to the nitrided layer resulted a good interface that improve the adhesion and mechanical support.
Precipitation hardening stainless steels are used in applications where wear and corrosion resistance are required. To improve the surface properties, thermochemical treatments in combination with hard coatings can be used. In this work, the corrosion behavior of a SiOxNy coating deposited on nitrided and non-nitrided Corrax® PH stainless steel were evaluated comparing it with the behavior of samples which were only nitrided, in two different conditions of nitrogen percentage in the working gases. The microstructure was analyzed. Corrosion behavior was evaluated by the Salt Spray Fog Test and cyclic potentiodynamic polarization in NaCl solution. Erosion-corrosion tests were conducted. The thickness of the coating was about 1.4 microns and its hardness was 2300 HV. The film had better erosion and corrosion behavior when it was deposited on the nitrided steel. It could be due to the nitrided layer resulted a good interface that improve the adhesion and mechanical support.
Aceros PH, CVD, Corrosión, Nitruración asistida por plasma, PH steels, Plasma nitriding
XIII Congreso Internacional en Ciencia y Tecnología de Metalurgia y Materiales. SAM-CONAMET. Misiones. (2013).
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