Representación topográfica mediante imágenes satelitales sobre el campo de hielo patagónico sur
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El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en el trazado de los puntos de mayor altura pertenecientes
al Campo de Hielo Patagónico Sur ubicado entre los paralelos 48°20’ de latitud S hasta los 51°30’ de
latitud S, utilizando datos satelitales provenientes de modelos digitales de elevación e imágenes ópticas y
El Campo de Hielo Patagónico Sur es la tercera extensión de hielos continentales más grande del
mundo luego de la Antártida y Groenlandia, y está ubicada en el sudoeste de la provincia de Santa Cruz,
cerca de la localidad de El Calafate. El Parque Nacional Los Glaciares es una de las zonas de estudio que
se desarrollan en este trabajo, y abarcan parte de este campo.
Un modelo digital de elevación o DEM según sus siglas en inglés, describe la topografía del
terreno a través de puntos acotados definidos como una terna compuesta por un valor de altitud z definido
al nivel del mar, y sus correspondientes valores de coordenadas x e y, distribuidos en forma homogénea
sobre la superficie terrestre. Los DEM utilizados se obtuvieron de datos suministrados mediante el sensor
SAR PALSAR a bordo del satélite ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite).
La estructura de estos datos de altura está representada de forma vectorial como también raster,
según su fuente. Son sumamente importantes para hacer relevamientos topográficos y de redes
hidrográficas, determinar alturas en zonas de montañas y altiplanos como este caso, así como para realizar
cálculos de pendientes y curvas de nivel que pueden utilizarse en observaciones de deslizamientos en el
campo de hielo y glaciares de ladera. Asimismo, se utilizaron imágenes satelitales ópticas para el
reconocimiento del terreno y su representación en forma tridimensional, de manera de lograr una mejor
visualización de la topografía y el relieve de la zona.
Con este estudio solo pretendemos dar una aproximación para futuras representaciones
cartográficas que lleven a cabo los organismos oficiales.
The aim of this work consists in the delineation of the highest points of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field located between the parallels 48 ° 20 'of latitude S up to 51 ° 30' of latitude S, using satellite data from digital models of elevation and optical images and radar. The Southern Patagonian Ice Field is the third largest continental ice supply in the world after Antarctica and Greenland, and is located in the southwest of the province of Santa Cruz, near the town of El Calafate. Los Glaciares National Park is one of the study areas found in this work, and cover part of this field. A digital elevation model or DEM according to its acronym in English, describes the topography of the terrain through bounded points defined as a triple composed of a value of altitude z defined at sea level, and their corresponding values of coordinates x and y, distributed in homogeneous shape on the earth's surface. The DEMs were obtained from the data supplied by the SAR PALSAR sensor on the ALOS satellite (Advanced Earth Observation Satellite). The structure of this height data is represented vectorially as well as raster, according to its source. They are extremely important to survey topographic and hydrographic networks, determine heights in mountain areas and highlands as this case, as well as to perform slope calculations and contours that can be used in observations of landslides in the ice field and glaciers of hillside. Likewise, optical satellite were used to recognize the terrain and its representation in three-dimensional form, in order to achieve a better visualization of the topography and relief of the area. With this study we only intend to give an approximation for future cartographic representations carried out by official organisms.
The aim of this work consists in the delineation of the highest points of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field located between the parallels 48 ° 20 'of latitude S up to 51 ° 30' of latitude S, using satellite data from digital models of elevation and optical images and radar. The Southern Patagonian Ice Field is the third largest continental ice supply in the world after Antarctica and Greenland, and is located in the southwest of the province of Santa Cruz, near the town of El Calafate. Los Glaciares National Park is one of the study areas found in this work, and cover part of this field. A digital elevation model or DEM according to its acronym in English, describes the topography of the terrain through bounded points defined as a triple composed of a value of altitude z defined at sea level, and their corresponding values of coordinates x and y, distributed in homogeneous shape on the earth's surface. The DEMs were obtained from the data supplied by the SAR PALSAR sensor on the ALOS satellite (Advanced Earth Observation Satellite). The structure of this height data is represented vectorially as well as raster, according to its source. They are extremely important to survey topographic and hydrographic networks, determine heights in mountain areas and highlands as this case, as well as to perform slope calculations and contours that can be used in observations of landslides in the ice field and glaciers of hillside. Likewise, optical satellite were used to recognize the terrain and its representation in three-dimensional form, in order to achieve a better visualization of the topography and relief of the area. With this study we only intend to give an approximation for future cartographic representations carried out by official organisms.
CHPS, DEM, Relieve, Altura, Perfil topográfico, Imagen satelital
Congreso Argentino de Tecnología Espacial (10ª : 2019 abr. 10-12 : Buenos Aires)
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