Influencia del anillo de crecimiento en las propiedades físico-mecánicas del pino resinoso argentino
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En las coníferas los anillos de crecimiento anual son claramente visibles debido a la diferencia entre
madera temprana y tardía. Normalmente a mayor espesor de anillo corresponde una menor densidad y
previsiblemente una menor resistencia, sin embargo, esta afirmación no puede ser generalizada para todas las maderas ya que dicho comportamiento depende de la combinación especie/procedencia. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio orientado a conocer la calidad predictiva de los anillos de crecimiento sobre la resistencia a flexión, rigidez y densidad de la madera aserrada estructural de pino resinoso (Pinus taeda/elliottii) cultivado en el nordeste de Argentina. El programa experimental involucró 233 tablas y 225 vigas de diferentes secciones transversales, las primeras fueron flexionadas de plano y las segundas de canto. La determinación de las propiedades físico-mecánicas se realizó a través de ensayos a flexión estática siguiendo los lineamientos de la norma IRAM 9663 (2013). Los resultados revelaron que en las vigas los anillos de crecimiento no explican más de un 12% de la variabilidad de las propiedades mecánicas en flexión, por lo que se discute su utilización como criterio predictivo de la calidad de tales piezas. Respecto de las tablas, en cambio, el espesor de los anillos explicó el 27% de la variabilidad de la resistencia y el 43% de la variabilidad de la rigidez, por lo que resulta conveniente su consideración en la clasificación por calidades resistentes para este elemento estructural.
Annual growth rings are easily seen in conifers due to the difference between early- and latewood. A greater ring thickness normally corresponds to a lower density and predictably, to a lower strength. However, this statement cannot be generalized because wood behavior depends on the species/provenance combination. This paper reports the results of an investigation regarding the predictive quality of growth rings on bending strength, stiffness and density in structural sawn timber from resinous pine (Pinus taeda/elliottii), which is grown in the Northeast of Argentina. An empirical project that included a total of 233 boards and 225 beams with different nominal cross-section sizes was designed. Physical and mechanical properties were determined by bending tests following the procedure of Argentinean IRAM 9663 (2013). Results showed that in the beams, growth rings do not explain more than 12% of the mechanical properties variability, so its use as a quality predictor is discussed. Regarding boards, however, growth ring width explained 27% of the strength variability and 43% of the stiffness variability, so for this case it is appropriate to consider this visual parameter in the strength grading rules. Write in this page the abstract of the paper in English, followed by the keywords. The abstract should have a length of 200 to 250 words. The Abstract must have the same format as the summary.
Annual growth rings are easily seen in conifers due to the difference between early- and latewood. A greater ring thickness normally corresponds to a lower density and predictably, to a lower strength. However, this statement cannot be generalized because wood behavior depends on the species/provenance combination. This paper reports the results of an investigation regarding the predictive quality of growth rings on bending strength, stiffness and density in structural sawn timber from resinous pine (Pinus taeda/elliottii), which is grown in the Northeast of Argentina. An empirical project that included a total of 233 boards and 225 beams with different nominal cross-section sizes was designed. Physical and mechanical properties were determined by bending tests following the procedure of Argentinean IRAM 9663 (2013). Results showed that in the beams, growth rings do not explain more than 12% of the mechanical properties variability, so its use as a quality predictor is discussed. Regarding boards, however, growth ring width explained 27% of the strength variability and 43% of the stiffness variability, so for this case it is appropriate to consider this visual parameter in the strength grading rules. Write in this page the abstract of the paper in English, followed by the keywords. The abstract should have a length of 200 to 250 words. The Abstract must have the same format as the summary.
Pinus taeda/elliottii, Resistencia, Rigidez, Densidad, Strength, Stiffness, Density
IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Estructuras de Maderas (2019)
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