Archaeometalurgical and manufacturing procedures. Studies of two ancient copper coins 1851 and 1853


The coins presented in this study belong to the Republic of Chile, Independence stage, and their values are One cent (1851) and Half cent (1853). The 1851 coin belongs to a private collector and the 1853 coin was rescued from the archaeological site "Historical Fort May 25 Village" and is currently exhibited in the Narciso Sosa Morales Museum in front of the actual site. Numismatic studies support the observation of the relationship between money and nations. Coins are a material testimony of the identity of a people, of an era and of the monetary policies that have animated the economy. Engravers and craftsmen have shaped in metal many of the most significant characteristics of the history of a nation, as well as its artistic development. The rich iconographic heritage allows us to read the historical symbols of our societies and recognise the identity of young American nations following their Bicentennial celebration.



Archaeometalurgical, Manufacturing procedures, Copper coin


AM&P Technical Articles (2022) 180 (3): 14–18.



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