Estudio experimental de la resistencia al corte de vigas de gran altura de hormigón reforzado con fibras.
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Las vigas de gran altura (VGA) son utilizadas en numerosas estructuras tales como
edificios de altura y fundaciones, entre otras. Se ha demostrado que el uso de fibras
de acero e híbridas (mezcla de fibras de acero y polipropileno) como refuerzo en el
hormigón proporciona un mayor control de fisuración e incremento de la tenacidad.
Por ello, el uso de las fibras hibridas, en reemplazo total o parcial de la armadura
convencional de estribos, resulta de interés en VGA, en las que suelen existir grandes congestionamientos de armaduras. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una campaña experimental en la que se evaluó la contribución en resistencia y ductilidad de las fibras de acero e híbridas en el comportamiento a corte de VGA. Para ello, se ensayaron a flexión, VGA de Ho Ao con barras y estribos tradicionales de acero, y vigas de hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero (HRFA) y de hormigón reforzado con fibras híbridas (HRFH) con una reducción del 33% del refuerzo de estribos verticales y sin estribos horizontales. Se observó que las VGA de hormigón con fibras alcanzaron cargas máximas de entre un 4 % y un 8% mayores a las de las vigas con armadura mínima a corte y mostraron una mayor resistencia residual post pico de cargas. Los resultados se muestran a partir de tablas y gráficos. Finalmente, se emiten algunas conclusiones.
Deep beams (DB) have useful applications in many structures, such as tall buildings and foundations, among others. It has been shown that the use of steel and hybrid fibers (a mixture of steel and polypropylene fibers) provides greater crack control and increased toughness. Thus, the use of these fibers, in total or partial replacement of the conventional stirrup reinforcement, is of interest in DB, in which there are usually large congestion of reinforcements. This work presents results of an experimental campaign in which the strength and ductility contribution of the steel and Polypropylene fibers in shear behavior of DB was evaluated. The DB of concrete with fibers reached maximum loads between 4% and 8% higher than the beams with minimum shear reinforcement and showed a higher residual strength after peak load. The results shown in tables and graphs in terms of maximum load and load-displacement curves are then discussed. Finally some conclusions are issued.
Deep beams (DB) have useful applications in many structures, such as tall buildings and foundations, among others. It has been shown that the use of steel and hybrid fibers (a mixture of steel and polypropylene fibers) provides greater crack control and increased toughness. Thus, the use of these fibers, in total or partial replacement of the conventional stirrup reinforcement, is of interest in DB, in which there are usually large congestion of reinforcements. This work presents results of an experimental campaign in which the strength and ductility contribution of the steel and Polypropylene fibers in shear behavior of DB was evaluated. The DB of concrete with fibers reached maximum loads between 4% and 8% higher than the beams with minimum shear reinforcement and showed a higher residual strength after peak load. The results shown in tables and graphs in terms of maximum load and load-displacement curves are then discussed. Finally some conclusions are issued.
Viga, Fibras híbridas, Hormigón reforzado, Fibras de acero, Comportamiento mecánico
27º Jornadas Argentinas de Ingeniería Estructural, Rosario, Santa Fe (2022)
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