Wide band interferometryforthicknessmeasurement


In thisworkwepresentthe concept of wide band interferometry as opposed to white-light interferometry to introduce a thickness measurementmethodthatgainsprecisionwhenthebandwidthisreduced to anadequatecompromise in order to avoidthedistortionsarisingfromthe material dispersion. The use of thewidestpossible band is a well established dogma whenthehighestresolutionisdesired in distance measurementswithwhite-light interferometry. Wewill show thatthe dogma fallswhenthicknessmeasurementsmust be carriedoutdue to material dispersion. In factthe precise knowledge of thefrequencydependence of therefractiveindexisessentialforadequatethicknessretrievalfromthe opticalexperiments. Thedevicewepresentisalsouseful to obtainthegroup refractiveindexthatisnecessary to calculatetheabsolutethicknessvalue. As anexample, we show thespreading of a siliconeoilon a reference surface in real time.



UTN, Facultad Regional Delta, Wide Band Interferometry, White-light Interferometry, Thicknessmeasurement


Santiago Costantino, Oscar E. Martínez, and Jorge R. Torga, "Wide band interferometryforthicknessmeasurement," Opt. Express 11, 952-957 (2003)



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