E-curriculum, flexibilización curricular : un caso en matemática
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Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.
Este artículo describe una experiencia desarrollada en el marco del Proyecto de investigación“E-Curriculum: Flexibilización del Curriculum hacia La Sociedad del Conocimiento Complejo en las Carreras
de Ingeniería” la que permitió analizar el proceso de aprendizaje y evolución cognitiva de los estudiantes involucrados en la misma.
Ésta tiene la particularidad de haber sido aplicada a estudiantes ingresantes al sistema de educación superior y ser un planteo desafiante y novedoso, dadas las condiciones, de desarrollar un tema de forma autónoma sin explicación previa de los docentes.
Este trabajo describe la estrategia didáctico-pedagógica aplicada por medio de la realización de un trabajo práctico mque permitiera a los alumnos el desarrollo de diferentes habilidades y competencias,
aprendizaje autónomo, búsqueda bibliográfica, selección de la información, integración de los contenidos curriculares al perfil profesional, el aprendizaje colaborativo, trabajo en grupos, la utilización
de TIC y otros aspectos.
This paper describes an experience developed from a research project called “E-Curriculum: Flexibilization of the curriculum through a society complex knowledge inside engineering careers”, which allowed the analysis of the learning process and cognitive improvement of the students involved in it. A proposal of an innovative challenge in education was implemented with students recently entered into the system of higher education, inviting them to build up a theme without any explanation of the teacher. This paper describes a didactic - pedagogical strategy applied through the construction of a practical work that makes students improve different skills and competences, autonomous learning, literature search, information selection, integration of curricular contents to professional profile, collaborative learning, team work, use of ICT and other items.
This paper describes an experience developed from a research project called “E-Curriculum: Flexibilization of the curriculum through a society complex knowledge inside engineering careers”, which allowed the analysis of the learning process and cognitive improvement of the students involved in it. A proposal of an innovative challenge in education was implemented with students recently entered into the system of higher education, inviting them to build up a theme without any explanation of the teacher. This paper describes a didactic - pedagogical strategy applied through the construction of a practical work that makes students improve different skills and competences, autonomous learning, literature search, information selection, integration of curricular contents to professional profile, collaborative learning, team work, use of ICT and other items.
E-curriculum, Integración curricular, Educación Superior, Carreras de ingeniería, Aprendizaje autónomo, Aprendizaje colaborativo, Matemática discreta
Tecnología y Ciencia 13(27): 64-72 (2015).
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