Urban cooling technologies potential in high and low buildings densities


To mitigate the temperature increase in urban environments and reduce its impact on energy consumption and the quality of the environment, urban retrofitting technologies have been developed and applied worldwide. High albedo in urban surfaces and additional vegetation are the most efficient strategies to accomplish these goals. The objective of this study is to estimate the weight of these strategies, both individually and integrated, on the cooling potential of two Latin American cities. To do this, 36 low and high urban density scenarios were simulated with the ENVI-Met software. The simulation models were calibrated using air temperature curves which were monitored during the summer periods from 2010 to 2013. A Principal Components Analysis was carried out to establish possible associations between the proposed mitigation strategies and then the weight of anthropogenic heat was evaluated according to the configuration. The results show that the integrated mitigation strategies in urban areas -i. e. increase vegetation and albedo on horizontal surfaces- has a great potential to mitigate urban warming, showing a more significant impact on low-density urban configuration. The contribution of anthropogenic heat mainly produced by motorized transport and air conditioning systems, is a crucial input data for the urban microclimate simulations. Its impact on the urban densification processes may cancel out the benefits derived by the application of the mitigation strategies considered



High albedo, Urban vegetation, Building density, Anthropogenic heat, Urban heat island, Mitigations strategies


Solar Energy Advances



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