Fabricación local de sensores de fibra óptica aplicables al sensado de magnitudes relevantes en ingeniería civil
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En este artículo se reportan los resultados obtenidos en la fabricación local de una estructura óptica conocida como red de período largo, en una fibra óptica estándar empleada para telecomunicaciones. Dicha red se logró mediante el empleo de una técnica en la que se genera una sucesión periódica de reducciones en el diámetro de la fibra (microtapers) mediante el ataque con un arco eléctrico de carac-terísticas controladas. A la estructura óptica mencionada se la conoce como LPG (por su sigla en inglés) y puede ser empleada como elemento de transducción en sistemas de sensado de diversas magnitudes fisicoquímicas. El proceso de fabricación se realizó mediante un arreglo experimental recientemente implementado en el CIOp. Las LPG generadas constituyen uno de los elementos básicos en el estudio y desarrollo de técnicas ópticas aplicables en la caracterización de materiales cementíceos, en el contexto de un proyecto de trabajo conjunto entre el LEMIT y el CIOp. Se reportan las características que descri-ben el comportamiento óptico de las LPG generadas y se las compara con dispositivos comerciales de igual naturaleza fabricados en el exterior.
This article reports the results obtained in the local manufacture of an optical structure known as a long period grating, in a standard optical fiber used for telecommunications. It was achieved through the use of a technique in which a periodic sequence of reductions in fiber diameter (μ-tapers) is generated by means of the attack with an electric arc of controlled characteristics. Mentioned optical structure is known as LPG and can be used as a transduction element in sensing systems of various physicochemical magnitudes. The manufacturing process was carried out through an experimental arrangement that was recently implemented at CIOp. The manufactured LPGs constitute one of the basic elements in the study and development of optical techniques applicable in the characterization of cement-based materials in the context of a joint work project between LEMIT and CIOp. In the present work, characteristics de-scribing the optical behavior of the generated LPGs are reported and they are compared with commer-cial devices of the same nature manufactured abroad
This article reports the results obtained in the local manufacture of an optical structure known as a long period grating, in a standard optical fiber used for telecommunications. It was achieved through the use of a technique in which a periodic sequence of reductions in fiber diameter (μ-tapers) is generated by means of the attack with an electric arc of controlled characteristics. Mentioned optical structure is known as LPG and can be used as a transduction element in sensing systems of various physicochemical magnitudes. The manufacturing process was carried out through an experimental arrangement that was recently implemented at CIOp. The manufactured LPGs constitute one of the basic elements in the study and development of optical techniques applicable in the characterization of cement-based materials in the context of a joint work project between LEMIT and CIOp. In the present work, characteristics de-scribing the optical behavior of the generated LPGs are reported and they are compared with commer-cial devices of the same nature manufactured abroad
Sensores ópticos, Fibra óptica, Ingeniería civil, Redes de periodo largo, Optical sensors, Optical fiber, Civil engineering, Long period gratings
Alustiza, D. H., Mineo, M., Russo, N. A., & Aredes, D. (2019). Fabricación Local de Sensores de Fibra Óptica Aplicables al Sensado de Magnitudes Relevantes en Ingeniería Civil. Ingenio Tecnológico, 1, e003. Recuperado a partir de https://ingenio.frlp.utn.edu.ar/index.php/ingenio/article/view/10
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