Patologías en iglesias neogóticas en la pampa bonaerense Argentina
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En la pampa bonaerense, Buenos Aires, Argentina, desde fines del siglo XIX se construyeron en algunas de las localidades pequeñas y grandes iglesias en estilo neogótico. La Catedral de La Plata, diseño del Ing. Pedro Benoit (1836-1897), conjuntamente con la Basílica de Luján (Arq. Ulrico Curtois 1843-1914) son las obras más significativas en estilo Neogótico, fundamentalmente por su magnitud. Ambas iglesias son de mampostería de ladrillo, una a la vista y otra revestida con placas de piedras de pequeño espesor.
En éste trabajo, se presentan relevamientos realizados por los autores en distintas iglesias que presentaban patologías vinculadas con los materiales empleados, presentando algunos casos emblemáticos de iglesias abandonadas. Se analizan, en particular, los crecimientos bilógicos sobre la mampostería de ladrillos (Catedral de La Plata) y sobre revestimientos de rocas (Basílica de Luján). También se presentan los estudios realizados sobre los morteros de revestimiento símil piedra de la Catedral de Azul (Estudio Ochoa, Medhurst Thomas y Pittman). Otros casos analizados son el de la iglesia de Lincoln, obra el Ing. Arq. Juan A. Buschiazzo (1846-1917), que presenta problemas vinculados con la corrosión de los perfiles del campanario, ya que es una estructura de las denominadas híbridas, y el de la iglesia San Ponciano, en La Plata con patologías vinculadas con intervenciones inadecuadas realizadas a lo largo de su vida en servicio.
In the Pampa of Buenos Aires, Argentina in some localities, big and small churches in neogothic style were built since the end of 19th. Century. The Cathedral of La Plata, designed by Eng. Pedro Benoit (1836-1897), together with the Basilica of Luján (Arch. Ulrico Curtois 1843-1914) are the most significant works in Neo – gothic style, especially because of their magnitude. Both churches were built with brick masonry, exposed in one case and the other covered with thin stone slabs. In this work, we show the assessments performed in different churches with pathologies connected with the used materials, including emblematic cases of abandoned churches. We especially analyze the biologic growths on the brick masonry (Cathedral de La Plata) and the rock cover (Basílica de Luján). We also present the studies performed on the stone-like covering of the Cathedral of Azul (Estudio Ochoa, Medhurst Thomas y Pittman). Other analyzed cases are the church in Lincoln, work by Eng. Arch. Juan A. Buschiazzo (1846-1917), affected by the corrosion of the metal bars of the bell tower because its structure belongs to the so called hybrid ones.
In the Pampa of Buenos Aires, Argentina in some localities, big and small churches in neogothic style were built since the end of 19th. Century. The Cathedral of La Plata, designed by Eng. Pedro Benoit (1836-1897), together with the Basilica of Luján (Arch. Ulrico Curtois 1843-1914) are the most significant works in Neo – gothic style, especially because of their magnitude. Both churches were built with brick masonry, exposed in one case and the other covered with thin stone slabs. In this work, we show the assessments performed in different churches with pathologies connected with the used materials, including emblematic cases of abandoned churches. We especially analyze the biologic growths on the brick masonry (Cathedral de La Plata) and the rock cover (Basílica de Luján). We also present the studies performed on the stone-like covering of the Cathedral of Azul (Estudio Ochoa, Medhurst Thomas y Pittman). Other analyzed cases are the church in Lincoln, work by Eng. Arch. Juan A. Buschiazzo (1846-1917), affected by the corrosion of the metal bars of the bell tower because its structure belongs to the so called hybrid ones.
Iglesias, Neogótico, Pampa Bonaerense, Argentina, Churches, Neo-gothic, Buenos Aires Pampas
Revista GIICMA Nº 6 (2018)
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