Re-writing the past from an ex-centric space : the revision and retrhinking of slavery in American hIStory in Morrison’s belloved and a mercy and in smiley’s the all-true travels and adventures of Lidie Newton
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Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay.
This paper examines Toni Morrison’s Beloved (1987), and A Mercy (2008) and Jane Smiley’s The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton (1998) from a perspective which combines the fields of postcolonial and postmodern literary studies. Accordingly, this thesis aims at showing how these novels portray ex-centricity and, secondly, at explaining how, from an ex-centric perspective, they explore and revise the concept, understanding and implications of slavery in American history. Narrative devices and character portrayal are considered. Notion such as Hutcheon’s “the ex-centric” ([1988] 2004), Bhabha’s ([1994] 2004) and Mohanty’s (1986; 2003) “difference” and Ashcroft, Griffiths and Tiffin’s “double
colonization” (2000) are central to the present work which intends to provide a detailed analysis of the corpus, seeing how these categories operate in understanding and interpreting the texts and in creating a space from which to rethink and revise the history of slavery in the US in the times depicted by the novels.
Literatura postcolonial, Literatura posmoderna, Esclavitud, Literatura inglesa
Tesina Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa FRCU
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