Modelo para el estudio de la paridad de red en sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica de baja tensión con microgeneración distribuida
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El paradigma de abastecimiento eléctrico denominado MicroGeneración Distribuida (MGD), aplicado a los Sistemas de Distribución de Energía Eléctrica (SDEE) en Baja Tensión (BT), mediante la incorporación del nuevo agente denominado usuario prosumidor o microgenerador, presenta algunos inconvenientes. A los aspectos técnicos observados, relativos al funcionamiento del SDEE BT dentro de parámetros de tolerancia establecidos regulatoriamente que, de no ser resueltos, pueden atentar contra este nuevo paradigma, se incorpora un nuevo concepto de características económicas denominado Paridad de Red (Grid Parity). En este trabajo se presenta, continuando con líneas de investigación abordadas por los autores, un nuevo Modelo HiperHeurístico para resolver el Problema de Optimización del Vector de Inyecciones desde MicroGeneración Distribuida Solar Fotovoltaica (PO VIny MGD FV) en los SDEE BT, considerando la Paridad de Red. El Modelo propuesto es aplicado sobre un SDEE BT real para la discusión de sus resultados.
The electricity supply paradigm called Distributed MicroGeneration (DMG), applied to Low Voltage (LV) Electric Power Distribution Systems (EPDS) by connecting the new agent called prosumer or microgenerator user, present some drawbacks. In addition to the technical aspects observed, related to the operation of the EPDS LV within the tolerance parameters established by regulation, which, if not resolved, may threaten this new paradigm, a new economic concept called Grid Parity is incorporated. This work presents, continuing with lines of research addressed by the authors, a new HyperHeuristic Model to solve the Problem of Optimization of the Vector of Injections from Photovoltaic Solar Distributed MicroGeneration in EPDS LV (OP VIny FV DMG), considering the concept of Grid Parity. The Proposed model is applied on a real EPDS LV for the discussion of its results.
The electricity supply paradigm called Distributed MicroGeneration (DMG), applied to Low Voltage (LV) Electric Power Distribution Systems (EPDS) by connecting the new agent called prosumer or microgenerator user, present some drawbacks. In addition to the technical aspects observed, related to the operation of the EPDS LV within the tolerance parameters established by regulation, which, if not resolved, may threaten this new paradigm, a new economic concept called Grid Parity is incorporated. This work presents, continuing with lines of research addressed by the authors, a new HyperHeuristic Model to solve the Problem of Optimization of the Vector of Injections from Photovoltaic Solar Distributed MicroGeneration in EPDS LV (OP VIny FV DMG), considering the concept of Grid Parity. The Proposed model is applied on a real EPDS LV for the discussion of its results.
Hiperheurísticas, Sistemas de distribución eléctrica, Microgeneración distribuida, Energía solar fotovoltaica, Costo nivelado de electricidad, Costo de emisiones de CO2, Paridad de red, Hyperheuristics, Electric power distribution system, Distributed microgeneration, Photovoltaic solar energy, Levelized cost of electricity, Cost of CO2 emissions, Grid parity
Revista de la Escuela de Perfeccionamiento en Investigación Operativa XXVII (46): 5-24 (2019)
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