Adecuación de un método de curado acelerado para hormigones elaborados con cementos portland CPC40 y áridos de la zona de Concepción del Uruguay
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En este trabajo, se presenta el procedimiento desarrollado en el proyecto enominado “Predicción de la resistencia del hormigón a los 28 días usando un método acelerado para hormigones con cementos CPC 40, CPF 40 y áridos de la zona”, el cual se enfocó inicialmente, en la obtención de un método propio para acelerar el curado del hormigón usando agua en ebullición. En principio se trabajó con hormigones tipo H15 elaborados con Cemento Portland Compuesto (CPC40). Se comprobó que, totalizando un tiempo entre hormigonado y ensayo de 24 horas, bajando sensiblemente el adoptado en la norma IRAM 1552 de 28,5 horas, se obtuvieron proyecciones de la resistencia con dispersiones que no superaron el 15%, adoptándose este procedimiento como método propio.
In this work, the procedure developed in the project called "Prediction of the resistance of the concrete at 28 days using an accelerated method for concrete with cement CPC 40, CPF 40 and aggregates of the area" is presented. Aforementioned project, initially focused on obtaining an own method that allows to accelerate the procedure of curing concrete using boiling water. At the beginning of the research project, a concrete with nominal compressive strength of 15 MPa made with Portland Composite Cement (CPC40), was used. It was found that, dispersions values of compressive strength did not exceed of 15% when a time of 24 hours between casting concrete and testing specimens is considered, Furthermore, the curing time of 28,5 hours adopted by IRAM 1552 was reduced.
In this work, the procedure developed in the project called "Prediction of the resistance of the concrete at 28 days using an accelerated method for concrete with cement CPC 40, CPF 40 and aggregates of the area" is presented. Aforementioned project, initially focused on obtaining an own method that allows to accelerate the procedure of curing concrete using boiling water. At the beginning of the research project, a concrete with nominal compressive strength of 15 MPa made with Portland Composite Cement (CPC40), was used. It was found that, dispersions values of compressive strength did not exceed of 15% when a time of 24 hours between casting concrete and testing specimens is considered, Furthermore, the curing time of 28,5 hours adopted by IRAM 1552 was reduced.
Simple compressive strength, Concrete cured, Resistance projection, Accelerated curing of concrete, Resistencia a compresión simple, Curado del hormigón, Proyección de resistencia, Curado acelerado del hormigón
XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Patologia de la Construcción y XVIII de Control de Calidad en la construcción (2021)
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