Adaptación económica y control regulatorio en sistemas de distribución : un modelo posibilístico de optimización dinámica
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El concepto de Sistema de Distribución Económicamente Adaptado, se sustenta en el paradigma económico neo-clásico, referido en el estado del arte como dominante. Se lo vincula sólo a la eficiencia productiva que implica la expansión y operación del sistema a mínimo costo. Ignora las incertidumbres o bien les confiere un carácter estocástico que no necesariamente exhiben. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo alternativo para evaluar el grado de desadaptación del sistema, en los períodos de control tarifario fijados regulatoriamente. El modelo, sustentado en la optimización dinámica multicriterio bajo condiciones de incertidumbres no estocásticas, es solidario a un paradigma diferente, desde la visión de Riesgo e Incertidumbre propuesta por el Pos-Keynesianismo. Se aportan, como resultados más relevantes, una marcada diferenciación entre la Optimización Estática, sustentada en los métodos
clásicos asociados al Paradigma Dominante, respecto de la Dinámica no Estocástica propuesta en el Modelo Posibilístico, así como un completo y novedoso desarrollo teórico para su aplicación sobre un estudio de caso real.
The concept of economically adapted distribution system, is based on the neoclassic economics paradigm. It is related only to the productive efficiency, which implies the expansion and operation of system with a minimum cost. It ignores the uncertainties, or it renders them a stochastic nature, which they do not necessarily show to have. In this work, a model to evaluate the De-adaptation System degree, in the regulatory control periods, is presented. The model, based in Multicriteria Optimization and non stochastic incertainties, suggest a change of paradigm from the approach of Incertainty and Risk proposed by Pos-Keynesianism. A strong difference between Static Optimization respect to Non Stochastic Dynamic, proposed in the Possibilistic Model, and a complete and new theoretical development, for application in a real Case of Study, are presented as important results and conclusions of this work.
The concept of economically adapted distribution system, is based on the neoclassic economics paradigm. It is related only to the productive efficiency, which implies the expansion and operation of system with a minimum cost. It ignores the uncertainties, or it renders them a stochastic nature, which they do not necessarily show to have. In this work, a model to evaluate the De-adaptation System degree, in the regulatory control periods, is presented. The model, based in Multicriteria Optimization and non stochastic incertainties, suggest a change of paradigm from the approach of Incertainty and Risk proposed by Pos-Keynesianism. A strong difference between Static Optimization respect to Non Stochastic Dynamic, proposed in the Possibilistic Model, and a complete and new theoretical development, for application in a real Case of Study, are presented as important results and conclusions of this work.
Adaptación económica, Control regulatorio, Incertidumbres, Optimización multicriterio posibilística, Riesgo, Sistemas de distribución, Economic adaptation, Regulatory control, Incertainties, Possibilistic multicriteria optimization, Risk, Distribution systems
Energética (45): 5-21 (2015)
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