Presencia de agentes biológicos en puentes de hormigón armado de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Argentina
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Las estructuras de hormigón, como cualquier construcción, están sujetas al deterioro causado por el ambiente, incluyendo el crecimiento de diversos organismos, como cianobacterias, microalgas, hongos, líquenes, musgos y plantas. La diversidad de ambientes en la Provincia de Buenos Aires Argentina influye en el tipo de organismos que pueden desarrollarse sobre las estructuras de hormigón. En este trabajo se relevan diversas estructuras a fin de analizar el sustrato, observar y comparar los distintos organismos desarrollados y las patologías consecuentes, determinando el índice de peligrosidad de los organismos en las estructuras de hormigón estudiadas.
Concrete structures, as any construction, are subject to deterioration caused by the environment, including the growth of various organisms such as cyanobacteria, algae, fungi, lichens, mosses and plants. The diversity of environments in the Province of Buenos Aires Argentina influences the types of organisms that may develop on concrete structures. In this paper various structures to analyze the substrate is relieved, observe and compare the various agencies developed and consequent diseases, determining the hazard index of organisms studied in concrete structures.
Concrete structures, as any construction, are subject to deterioration caused by the environment, including the growth of various organisms such as cyanobacteria, algae, fungi, lichens, mosses and plants. The diversity of environments in the Province of Buenos Aires Argentina influences the types of organisms that may develop on concrete structures. In this paper various structures to analyze the substrate is relieved, observe and compare the various agencies developed and consequent diseases, determining the hazard index of organisms studied in concrete structures.
Deterioro biológico, Ambientes húmedos, Hormigón, Líquenes, Plantas, Biological deterioration, Damp environments, Concrete, Lichens, Plants
Revista GIICMA Nº 2 (2016)
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