Corrosion and wear properties of plasma nitrided 316L stainless steel


Since 2010, in the frame of the European SUMA2 project and the binational project, the University of Saarland (Saarbrucken, Germany), the Leibniz Institute (Leipzig, Germany), INTEMA (Mar del Plata, Argentina) and the UTN-FRCU (Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina) have worked in collaboration to developed and characterize the successful nitriding of austenitic stainless steels by dierent plasma assisted techniques such as Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (PI3), DC Pulsed Plasma Nitriding and Low Energy Ion Implantation (LEII) XRD have been performed in order to characterize the structure of the surface layers.



Stainless steel, Temperature difussion technique, Materials science and engineering


Materials Science and Engineering-MSE. Alemania. (2018)



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