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    H2 storage using Zr-CMK-3 developed by a new synthesis method
    (2021) Juárez, Juliana María; Venosta, Lisandro F.; Anunziata, Oscar Alfredo; Gómez Costa, Marcos Bruno
    One of the biggest problems in using hydrogen as an alternative fuel is that its storage must be safe and portable. This work addresses a new direct synthesis technique used to obtain a novel mesoporous carbon (CMK-3) modified with zirconium oxide. This novel material shows promise for hydrogen adsorption and storage application for energy harvesting. Zirconium oxide (Zr-CMK-3) material is achieved through successful synthesis and characterized by XRD, SEM, Raman, BET, UV-Vis-DRS, XPS and TEM analyses. Zr-CMK-3 signifi- cantly improved H2 storage performance (reaching at 77 K and 10 bar 4.6 wt%) compared to the pristine CMK-3. The novel material is favorable for H2 uptake by using weak bonding (physisorption). A hydrogen uptake mechanistic approach is proposed and the role of the Zr+4 cation in hydrogen adsorption is discussed.
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    Synthesis and characteristics of CMK-3 modified with magnetite nanoparticles for application in hydrogen storage
    (2022) Juárez, Juliana María; Cussa, Jogelina; Anunziata, Oscar Alfredo; Gómez Costa, Marcos Bruno
    In this work, we report the synthesis and characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles supported in nanostructured carbon (CMK-3). This material is promising in the application of hydrogen adsorption for energy storage. The material with iron oxide nano- particles (Fe-CMK-3) was successfully synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, textural properties analysis, transmission and scanning electron microsco- py, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and magnetiza- tion studies. A large amount of the iron incorporated as iron oxide nanoparticles was in the magnetite phase. The incorporation of magnetite on the CMK-3 carbon surface significantly improved the storage capacity of hydrogen (4.45 wt% at 77 K and 10 bar) compared with the CMK-3 framework alone (2.20 wt% at 77 K and 10 bar). The synthesized material is promising for hy- drogen adsorption by weak bond forces (physisorption). A hydrogen adsorption mechanism was proposed in which the nanoparticles of magnetite have an important role.
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    Iron-modified mesoporous materials as catalysts for ODS of sulfur compounds
    (2020) Rivoira, Lorena Paola; Juárez, Juliana María; Martínez, María Laura; Beltramone, Andrea Raquel
    Fe-modified mesoporous catalysts were used in the ODS of DBTs using H2O2 as oXidant and acetonitrile as solvent. SBA-15, MCM-48, CMK-3 and CMK-1 were used as supports. Iron was incorporated using iron nitrate by wetness impregnation. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, N2 isotherms, TEM, XPS and ICP. We developed catalysts with high specific surface area, pore volume and narrow mesopore size distribution and highly dis- persed Fe- species. The catalysts were tested in the o Xidative desulfurization of different sulfur compounds as benzothiophene, dibenzothiopene and 4,6-dimethyl dibenzothiopene. The catalyst prepared using CMK-3 as support was the most active for the ODS reaction. The good activity was related with the high dispersion of the iron oXides, mainly in the magnetite phase. Temperature, hydrogen peroXide and sulfur initial concentration were studied using Fe-CMK-3 in the oXidation of DBT. The optimal operation conditions were determined. Fe- CMK-3 is an active and stable catalyst to be applied in the industrial process of ODS.
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    Synthesis and characteristics of magnetite containing-cmk-3 and its application in hydrogen storage
    (2020) Juárez, Juliana M.; Venosta, Lisandro F.; Gómez Costa, Marcos B.; Anunziata, Oscar A.
    In this work, we report the synthesis and characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles (Magnetite) supported on CMK-3. The materials were characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, XPS and magnetization studies. A large amount of the iron incorporated as iron oxide nanoparticles was in the magnetite phase. The incorporation of magnetite on the CMK-3 carbon surface significantly improved the hydrogen storage capacity (4.45 wt. % at 77 K and 10 bar) compared to the CMK-3 structure (2.20 wt% at 77 K and 10 bar). Magnetite nanoparticles play a key role in H2 adsorption.
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    Direct synthesis and characterization of mesoporous carbon CMK-3 modified with zirconia applied in energy storage
    (2020) Venosta, Lisandro F.; Gómez Costa, Marcos B.; Juárez, Juliana M.; Anunziata, Oscar A.
    In this work, we report the synthesis and characterization of the nanostructured carbon material (CMK- 3) modified with zirconium oxide synthesized by a new direct synthesis technique. The aim of this new synthesis method is to avoid the use of inorganic siliceous template (SBA-15), which leads to a shorter and cheaper way to obtain mesoporous carbon, and at the same time incorporate into the framework Zirconium atoms. Zirconium oxide dispersed in carbon materials (Zr-CMK-3) were successfully synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, textural properties, UV-Vis-DRS, XPS, and transmission electron microscopy analysis. This material is promising in the application of hydrogen adsorption for energy storage. Zr-CMK-3 material significantly improved H2 storage behavior (4.6% by weight at 77 K and 10 bar) compared to CMK-3 support. The synthesized material is promising in the absorption of hydrogen by weak bonding forces (physisorption). A hydrogen adsorption mechanism was proposed and the role of the Zr+4 cation in hydrogen absorption was discussed. The activity of the samples to the adsorption of hydrogen molecules is attributed to the improved dispersion of the zirconium oxide, as well as the appropriate use of support, which can probably disperse the zirconium on its large surface area, allowing a great dispersion of the zirconium. The Zr+4 cation is an active species to absorb and store hydrogen through a physisorption process and the carbon plays an important role in the dispersion and size of metal particles. A hydrogen storage mechanism on the active surface of the ZrO2 clusters was proposed. First layer of hydrogen molecules can react with the metal cation through a dihydrogen complex (Kubas interaction) [1]. The second layer of hydrogen molecules adsorbed around the metal oxide clusters is due to dipole-like interactions, this is because the metal particle induces dipole forces on the hydrogen molecule. The other layers could also interact by dipole forces; however, the interaction force decreases as the distance to the surface increases. The interaction of the induced dipole in a second layer adsorbs more hydrogen molecules because the strong interaction of the metal particles takes up dipole-induced forces on the hydrogen molecules. The upper layers could interact with the metal cation by dipole-induced bonding; however, the interaction force decreases as the distance to the surface increases. The procedure for this adsorption is still under investigation and optimization. The hydrogen storage behavior in Zr-CMK-3 can be optimized by controlling the size of the metal particles, the dispersion and the nature of the support.
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    Síntesis directa del carbón mesoporoso ordenado cmk-3 modificado con circonio aplicado en almacenamiento de energía
    (2020) Gómez Costa, Marcos B.; Juárez, Juliana M.; Anunziata, Oscar A.; Venosta, Lisandro F.
    En este trabajo, informamos la síntesis y caracterización del material de carbono nanoestructurado (CMK-3) modificado con óxido de circonio sintetizado por una nueva técnica de síntesis directa. Este material es prometedor en la aplicación de adsorción de hidrógeno para el almacenamiento de energía. Los materiales con óxido de circonio (Zr-CMK-3) se sintetizaron con éxito y se caracterizaron por difracción de rayos X, propiedades texturales, UV-Vis-DRS, XPS y análisis de microscopía electrónica de transmisión. El material Zr-CMK-3 mejoró significativamente el comportamiento de almacenamiento de H2 (4,6% en peso a 77 K y 10 bar) en comparación con el soporte CMK-3. El material sintetizado es prometedor en la absorción de hidrógeno por fuerzas de enlace débiles (fisisorción). Se propuso un mecanismo de adsorción de hidrógeno y se discutió el rol de catión Zr+4 en la absorción de hidrógeno.
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    Hydrogen storage on a novel nanostructured carbón material modified with zirconia
    (2021) Juárez, Juliana M.; Gómez Costa, Marcos B.; Anunziata, Oscar A.; Venosta, Lisandro F.
    In this work, we report the synthesis and characterization of zirconium oxide supported in nanostructured carbon material synthesized by a new direct synthesis technique. The goal of this new method is to avoid the use of inorganic siliceous template (SBA-15), which leads to a shorter and cheaper way to obtain mesoporous carbon, and at the same time incorporate into the framework Zirconium atoms. The material with zirconium oxide (Zr-CMK-3) was successfully synthesized and characterized by Xray diffraction, SEM, RAMAN and textural properties, UV-Vis-DRS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy analyses. Zr-CMK-3 improved significantly the H2 storage behavior (4.6 wt% at 77 K and 10 bar) compared with CMK-3. The synthesized material is promising for hydrogen uptake by means of weak bonding (physisorption). The activity of the samples to the adsorption of hydrogen molecules is attributed to the improved dispersion of the zirconium oxide, as well as the appropriate use of support, which can probably disperse the zirconium on its large surface area, allowing a great dispersion of the zirconium. The Zr+4 cation is an active species to absorb and store hydrogen through a physisorption process and the carbon plays an important role in the dispersion and size of metal particles. A hydrogen storage mechanism on the active surface of the ZrO2 clusters was proposed. First layer of hydrogen molecules can react with the metal cation through a dihydrogen complex (Kubas interaction). The second layer of hydrogen molecules adsorbed around the metal oxide clusters is due to dipole-like interactions, this is because the metal particle induces dipole forces on the hydrogen molecule. The other layers could also interact by dipole forces; however, the interaction force decreases as the distance to the surface increases. The upper layers could interact with the metal cation by dipole-induced bonding; however, the interaction force decreases as the distance to the surface increases.
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    Novedoso método de síntesis del carbón mesoporoso cmk-3 modificado con circonio y su aplicación en almacenamiento de hidrógeno
    (2021) Gómez Costa, Marcos B.; Juárez, Juliana M.; Anunziata, Oscar A.; Venosta, Lisandro F.
    En este trabajo, informamos la síntesis y caracterización del material de carbono nanoestructurado (CMK-3) modificado con óxido de circonio sintetizado por una nueva técnica de síntesis directa. Este material es prometedor en la aplicación de adsorción de hidrógeno para el almacenamiento de energía. Los materiales con óxido de circonio (Zr-CMK-3) se sintetizaron con éxito y se caracterizaron por difracción de rayos X, propiedades texturales, XPS y análisis de microscopía electrónica de transmisión. El material Zr-CMK-3 mejoró significativamente el comportamiento de almacenamiento de H2 (4,6% en peso a 77 K y 10 bar) en comparación con el soporte CMK-3. El material sintetizado es prometedor en la absorción de hidrógeno por fuerzas de enlace débiles (fisisorción). Se propuso un mecanismo de adsorción de hidrógeno y se discutió el rol de catión Zr+4 en la absorción de hidrógeno.