Síntesis directa del carbón mesoporoso ordenado cmk-3 modificado con circonio aplicado en almacenamiento de energía
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En este trabajo, informamos la síntesis y caracterización del material de carbono nanoestructurado (CMK-3)
modificado con óxido de circonio sintetizado por una nueva técnica de síntesis directa. Este material es
prometedor en la aplicación de adsorción de hidrógeno para el almacenamiento de energía. Los materiales con
óxido de circonio (Zr-CMK-3) se sintetizaron con éxito y se caracterizaron por difracción de rayos X,
propiedades texturales, UV-Vis-DRS, XPS y análisis de microscopía electrónica de transmisión. El material
Zr-CMK-3 mejoró significativamente el comportamiento de almacenamiento de H2 (4,6% en peso a 77 K y 10
bar) en comparación con el soporte CMK-3. El material sintetizado es prometedor en la absorción de hidrógeno
por fuerzas de enlace débiles (fisisorción). Se propuso un mecanismo de adsorción de hidrógeno y se discutió
el rol de catión Zr+4 en la absorción de hidrógeno.
In this work, we report the synthesis and characterization of zirconium oxide supported in nanostructured carbon material (CMK-3) synthesized by a new direct synthesis technique. This material is promising in hydrogen adsorption and storage application for energy harvesting. The materials with zirconium oxide (Zr- CMK-3) were successfully synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, textural properties, UV-Vis- DRS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy analyses. Zr-CMK-3 improved significantly the H2 storage behavior (4.6 wt% at 77 K and 10 bar) compared with CMK-3. The material synthesized are promising in hydrogen uptake by weak link forces (physisorption). A mechanism of hydrogen adsorption was proposed and Zr+4 cation roll in hydrogen uptake was discussed.
In this work, we report the synthesis and characterization of zirconium oxide supported in nanostructured carbon material (CMK-3) synthesized by a new direct synthesis technique. This material is promising in hydrogen adsorption and storage application for energy harvesting. The materials with zirconium oxide (Zr- CMK-3) were successfully synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, textural properties, UV-Vis- DRS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy analyses. Zr-CMK-3 improved significantly the H2 storage behavior (4.6 wt% at 77 K and 10 bar) compared with CMK-3. The material synthesized are promising in hydrogen uptake by weak link forces (physisorption). A mechanism of hydrogen adsorption was proposed and Zr+4 cation roll in hydrogen uptake was discussed.
Circonio, CMK-3, Hidrógeno, Almacenamiento, Energía, Zirconium, Hydrogen, Storage, Energy
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