Papas fortificadas con calcio y vitamina C conservadas por osmodehidrocongelación y envasadas en atmósfera modificada
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En el presente trabajo se fortificaron cubos de papas con calcio y vitamina C, por osmodehidro-
congelación. Se trata de un proceso combinado en el que se produce una deshidratación parcial
del producto al sumergirlo en una solución acuosa concentrada de solutos comestibles y posterior
congelación. Por consiguiente, se reduce la formación de cristales de hielo y se daña menos su
estructura. Además la carga térmica a extraer es menor respecto del proceso de congelación sin
dicho pretratamiento logrando un importante ahorro de energía y un producto de menor volumen
y peso. La deshidratación osmótica con pulsos de vacío permitió impregnar con calcio y vitamina C
el producto a concentraciones suficientes que permiten considerarlo como un alimento fortificado.
El envasado con atmósfera modificada en bolsas de un material trilaminado posibilitó conservar las
características nutricionales así como también su estabilidad al deterioro microbiano durante un
lapso de 180 días.
In this paper potato cubes were fortified with calcium and vitamin C by osmodehydrofreezing. This is a combined process in which a partial dehydration of the product by soaking it in an aqueous concentrated solution of edible solutes occurs, followed by a subsequent freezing. Therefore, the formation of ice crystals is reduced and less damage to the structure takes place. Besides, the thermal load is lower when compared to the freezing process without a pretreatment, achieving significant energy savings and a lower volume and weight product. Vacuum pulse osmotic dehydration allowed to impregnate the product with calcium and vitamin C at high enough concentrations as consistent to consider it a fortified food. The modified atmosphere packaging bags of tri-laminate material allowed to retain the nutritional characteristics as well as their stability to microbial spoilage during a period of 180 days.
In this paper potato cubes were fortified with calcium and vitamin C by osmodehydrofreezing. This is a combined process in which a partial dehydration of the product by soaking it in an aqueous concentrated solution of edible solutes occurs, followed by a subsequent freezing. Therefore, the formation of ice crystals is reduced and less damage to the structure takes place. Besides, the thermal load is lower when compared to the freezing process without a pretreatment, achieving significant energy savings and a lower volume and weight product. Vacuum pulse osmotic dehydration allowed to impregnate the product with calcium and vitamin C at high enough concentrations as consistent to consider it a fortified food. The modified atmosphere packaging bags of tri-laminate material allowed to retain the nutritional characteristics as well as their stability to microbial spoilage during a period of 180 days.
fortificación de alimentos, smodehidrocongelación, impregnación con calcio, impregnación con vitamina c, food fortification, osmodehydrofreezing, impregnation with calcium, impregnation with vitamin c
Proyecciones, Vol.13 No. 1
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