Soldadura de polímeros termoplásticos vía mallas calefactoras: su aplicación a piezas de geometría de revolución extensa y compleja: Parte 2: Etapas del proceso de soldadura
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En el presente estudio se analizan las etapas fundamentales que definen el proceso de solda- dura de polímeros termoplásticos –calentamiento, consolidación y enfriamiento–a través de sus variables macroscópicas representativas. Se asume en principio una concepción indepen- diente y desacoplada de cada una de las fenomenologías actuantes en concordancia con la búsqueda del basamento teórico que permita explicar su ocurrencia. Su posterior acoplamien- to posibilitará la construcción de un modelo validado experimentalmente capaz de predecir un comportamiento fiable en su extrapolación a escala real.
In the present study we analyze the fundamental stages that define the process of thermoplastic polymers welding – heating, consolidation and cooling – through their representative macroscopic variables. At first, it is assumed an independent and decoupled conception of each one of the ac- ting phenomenologies in agreement with the search of the theoretical base that allows to explain its occurrence. Its subsequent coupling will enable the construction of an experimentally validated model capable of predicting a reliable behavior in itsreal-scale extrapolation.
In the present study we analyze the fundamental stages that define the process of thermoplastic polymers welding – heating, consolidation and cooling – through their representative macroscopic variables. At first, it is assumed an independent and decoupled conception of each one of the ac- ting phenomenologies in agreement with the search of the theoretical base that allows to explain its occurrence. Its subsequent coupling will enable the construction of an experimentally validated model capable of predicting a reliable behavior in itsreal-scale extrapolation.
termoplásticos, soldadura, etapas, calentamiento, consolidación, enfriamiento, thermoplastics, welding, stages, heating, consolidation, cooling
Proyecciones, Vol. 15 Nro. 2
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