Registro y monitoreo en instalaciones de banco de sangre con Internet de las Cosas
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AJEA- Actas de Jornadas y Eventos Académicos de UTN
El prototipo se centra en obtener y registrar en una base de datos los valores de temperatura y humedad interiores de los equipos de refrigeración para el almacenamiento y transporte de las unidades de sangre y plasma sanguíneo de un banco de sangre, con el objetivo de asegurar la calidad en este tipo de instalaciones, bajo los estándares de ANMAT. Transcurridos varios meses desde su implementación, se demostró la importancia y utilidad de este, puesto que con la información brindada se procedió al reemplazo de una de las unidades refrigerantes. Actualmente, mediante una unidad testigo, se espera obtener la temperatura de la sangre y no solo del recinto; implicando el agregado de nuevos sensores de temperatura
The prototype focuses on obtaining and recording in a database the internal temperature and humidity values of the refrigeration equipment used in storage and transport of blood and blood plasma units from a blood bank. Its aim is to ensure this type of facilities quality under ANMAT standards. Several months after its implementation, the importance and usefulness of this was demonstrated, since with the information provided, one of the cooling units was replaced. Currently, through a simulated blood unit, it is expected to obtain the core temperature of the blood and not only of the enclosure, involving the addition of new temperature sensors.
The prototype focuses on obtaining and recording in a database the internal temperature and humidity values of the refrigeration equipment used in storage and transport of blood and blood plasma units from a blood bank. Its aim is to ensure this type of facilities quality under ANMAT standards. Several months after its implementation, the importance and usefulness of this was demonstrated, since with the information provided, one of the cooling units was replaced. Currently, through a simulated blood unit, it is expected to obtain the core temperature of the blood and not only of the enclosure, involving the addition of new temperature sensors.
Internet de las Cosas, Protocolo MQTT, Banco de Sangre, Internet of Things, MQTT Protocol, Blood Bank
Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología 2022
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