Estimación de parámetros estadísticos bajo un enfoque heterogéneo de una célula de ion-litio (LiFePO4) con el uso del método de Montecarlo
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El modelado de células de ion-litio es un área clave para el desarrollo de la movilidad eléc- trica. Estos componentes son altamente no lineales, lo que aumenta la dificultad de su representación mediante esquemas simplificados, para ello se han desarrollado modelos utilizando circuitos eléctricos equivalentes. Sin embargo, no tienen en cuenta la distribución espacial de las propiedades electroquímicas de las células, que tienen efectos importantes en su rendimiento. Se han desarrollado modelos heterogéneos para representar esta distri- bución, pero la determinación de sus parámetros eléctricos requiere un enfoque estadístico. El método de Montecarlo se aplicó a la generación de conjuntos de parámetros eléctricos internos bajo una ley de distribución dada. Las simulaciones que utilizan un modelo hete- rogéneo se compararon con mediciones reales, implementando indicadores para medir el error absoluto y la respuesta dinámica de las simulaciones. Estos indicadores son necesarios para evaluar la calidad de la respuesta simulada. El resultado es un método para estimar los parámetros de distribución del modelo heterogéneo presentado.
The modeling of lithium-ion cells is a key area for the development of electric mobility. The- se components are highly non-linear, which increase the difficult of their representation by simple schemes. Models have been developed using equivalent electrical circuits. However, they do not take into account the spatial distribution of cells properties, which have impor- tant effects on its performance. A heterogeneous model was developed to represent this distribution, but the determination of its electrical parameters requires a statistical approach. The Montecarlo method was applied to the generation of internal electrical parameters sets under a given distribution law. Simulations using a heterogeneous model were benchmarked against real measurements, for this were implemented indicators to measure the absolute error and the dynamic response of the simulations. These indicators are needed to assess the quality of the dynamic response of the simulation. The result is a method to estimate the distribution parameters of the heterogeneous model presented.
The modeling of lithium-ion cells is a key area for the development of electric mobility. The- se components are highly non-linear, which increase the difficult of their representation by simple schemes. Models have been developed using equivalent electrical circuits. However, they do not take into account the spatial distribution of cells properties, which have impor- tant effects on its performance. A heterogeneous model was developed to represent this distribution, but the determination of its electrical parameters requires a statistical approach. The Montecarlo method was applied to the generation of internal electrical parameters sets under a given distribution law. Simulations using a heterogeneous model were benchmarked against real measurements, for this were implemented indicators to measure the absolute error and the dynamic response of the simulations. These indicators are needed to assess the quality of the dynamic response of the simulation. The result is a method to estimate the distribution parameters of the heterogeneous model presented.
baterías de ion de litio, heterogeneidad, modelado eléctrico, método montecarlo, procesos estocásticos, fuentes de alimentación embarcadas, gestión de baterías, lithium-ion batteries, heterogeneity, electrical modelling, montecarlo method, stochastic processes, embedded power supplies, battery management
Proyecciones, Vol.16 Nro. 1
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