La sustentabilidad como modelo de gestión estrategia y desarrollo en la FRCU
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Este Trabajo Integrador Final tiene como objetivo principal implementar un modelo de gestión sustentable en la Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay (FRCU), alineado con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y los principios del Pacto Global de las Naciones Unidas.
A través de un exhaustivo análisis de la situación actual, basado en los primeros dos Reportes de Sustentabilidad y en la participación activa de la comunidad universitaria, se ha diseñado una estrategia integral que articula la sostenibilidad en todos los ámbitos institucionales.
El 3º Reporte de Sustentabilidad, más que un simple informe, se posiciona como la herramienta estratégica para la implementación del modelo propuesto. Este documento permitirá medir, monitorear y evaluar el impacto de las nuevas políticas, asegurando una mejora continua y la toma de decisiones basadas en evidencia.
Las áreas clave de enfoque incluyen la eficiencia energética, la inclusión social y la optimización de recursos. Se busca fomentar una cultura institucional que promueva la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad social, involucrando activamente a estudiantes, docentes y personal administrativo.
A mediano y largo plazo, se espera que la FRCU se convierta en un referente en gestión sustentable a nivel académico, generando un impacto positivo en la comunidad local y abriendo camino a futuras colaboraciones con otras instituciones.
Este proyecto no solo responde a los estándares internacionales de sustentabilidad, sino que plantea una visión transformadora donde la FRCU lidera el cambio hacia un futuro más equitativo, responsable y sostenible.
This Final Integrative Work aims to primarily implement a sustainable management model at the Regional Faculty of Concepción del Uruguay (FRCU), aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Through an exhaustive analysis of the current situation, based on the first two Sustainability Reports and the active participation of the university community, a comprehensive strategy has been designed that articulates sustainability in all institutional areas. The 3rd Sustainability Report, more than just a simple report, positions itself as the strategic tool for the implementation of the proposed model. This document will allow us to measure, monitor, and evaluate the impact of the new policies, ensuring continuous improvement and evidence-based decision-making. Key areas of focus include energy efficiency, social inclusion, and resource optimization. The goal is to foster an institutional culture that promotes sustainability and social responsibility, actively involving students, faculty, and administrative staff. In the medium and long term, it is expected that the FRCU will become a benchmark in sustainable management at the academic level, generating a positive impact on the local community and paving the way for future collaborations with other institutions. This project not only meets international sustainability standards but also presents a transformative vision where the FRCU leads the change towards a more equitable, responsible, and sustainable future.
This Final Integrative Work aims to primarily implement a sustainable management model at the Regional Faculty of Concepción del Uruguay (FRCU), aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Through an exhaustive analysis of the current situation, based on the first two Sustainability Reports and the active participation of the university community, a comprehensive strategy has been designed that articulates sustainability in all institutional areas. The 3rd Sustainability Report, more than just a simple report, positions itself as the strategic tool for the implementation of the proposed model. This document will allow us to measure, monitor, and evaluate the impact of the new policies, ensuring continuous improvement and evidence-based decision-making. Key areas of focus include energy efficiency, social inclusion, and resource optimization. The goal is to foster an institutional culture that promotes sustainability and social responsibility, actively involving students, faculty, and administrative staff. In the medium and long term, it is expected that the FRCU will become a benchmark in sustainable management at the academic level, generating a positive impact on the local community and paving the way for future collaborations with other institutions. This project not only meets international sustainability standards but also presents a transformative vision where the FRCU leads the change towards a more equitable, responsible, and sustainable future.
Sustainable management, Sustainable development goals (SDGs)., Model, strategic evaluation, FRCU sustainability report, University social responsibility, Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS), Reporte de sustentabilidad FRCU, Responsabilidad social universitaria, Evaluación estratégica, Modelo de gestión sustentable
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