Metodología matemática-algorítmica de Programación de Operaciones aplicada a un caso de estudio de escala industrial
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En este trabajo se presenta una metodología para la programación de operaciones de procesos “batch” en instalaciones multiproducto multietapa. El modelo matemático empleado es de tipo mixto-entero lineal (MILP) y utiliza una representación de ranuras de tiempo (“time slots”). El modelo se complementa con un algoritmo iterativo, basado en la resolución de una secuencia de subproblemas, que permite identificar y fijar la programación de la etapa cuello de botella en cada paso. La metodología propuesta apunta a obtener soluciones de buena calidad para problemas de escala industrial en tiempos de cómputo razonables. Fue aplicada a un caso de estudio real de la industria farmacéutica, que involucra la
programación de 30 productos en una planta de 6 etapas y 17 equipos. Si bien no garantiza la optimalidad de la solución hallada, a diferencia de otros aportes de tipo heurístico provee una cota inferior rigurosa que permite medir la calidad de la solución.
This paper presents a batch process scheduling methodology for multiproduct multistage facilities. A mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) mathematical model based on a time-slot representation is used. The model is complemented with an iterative algorithm that solves a sequence of subproblems, through which the bottleneck stage is identified and fixed at each step. The proposed methodology seeks to attain good quality solutions for industrial size problems in reasonable computational times. It has been applied to a real case study from the pharmaceutical industry, comprising the scheduling of 30 products in a plant with 17 units and 6 processing stages. Even though the proposed method does not guarantee the optimality of the best solution found, in contrast to other heuristic approaches it provides a rigorous lower bound from which its quality can be determined.
This paper presents a batch process scheduling methodology for multiproduct multistage facilities. A mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) mathematical model based on a time-slot representation is used. The model is complemented with an iterative algorithm that solves a sequence of subproblems, through which the bottleneck stage is identified and fixed at each step. The proposed methodology seeks to attain good quality solutions for industrial size problems in reasonable computational times. It has been applied to a real case study from the pharmaceutical industry, comprising the scheduling of 30 products in a plant with 17 units and 6 processing stages. Even though the proposed method does not guarantee the optimality of the best solution found, in contrast to other heuristic approaches it provides a rigorous lower bound from which its quality can be determined.
Programación de operaciones, Planta multiproducto, Optimización, Scheduling, Multiproduct facility, Optimization
Zuffiaurre, S., & Marchetti, P. A. (2020). Metodología Matemática-Algorítmica de Programación de Operaciones Aplicada a Caso de Estudio de Escala Industrial. Revista Tecnología y Ciencia, (39), 151–161.
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