Mejoramiento del compostaje de residuos orgánicos de la avicultura mediante la utilización de microorganismos efectivos.
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El objetivo de este trabajo fue mejorar la performance del compostaje de la cama de pollo, incorporando microorganismos efectivos (EM). Se realizaron dos ensayos sobre camas de una y tres crianzas con la que se armaron pilas de 1 m3 con tres replicas para el ensayo A y 2 réplicas para el ensayo B. Se realizaron tres tratamientos: control (C) sin EM, tratamiento 1 (EM-1® 1:50) y tratamiento 2 (EM 1
® 1:10). Los datos fueron evaluados estadísticamente por un modelo factorial para
el análisis de la varianza (ANOVA). Las medias que mostraron diferencias significativas fueron comparadas utilizando el test de Tukey. Se analizaron variables
fisicoquímicas: temperatura, PH, conductividad eléctrica, humedad y microbiológicas. Los ensayos se desarrollaron durante 81 días, ensayo A y 55 días, ensayo B. En general, todos los parámetros de compostaje muestran que los tratamientos tienen un patrón similar, cumplimentando con la normativa vigente como un compost de clase B para los indicadores de calidad y nivel de patógenos.
La disminución en los valores de coliformes y Salmonella sp. indica que con una pila
menor a 1 metro de altura se pueden eliminar la carga de patógenos a partir del
segundo volteo. El tratamiento 2 de (EM-1® 1:10) mejora los parámetros de PH y
conductibilidad eléctrica en la cama apilada en algunas etapas del proceso de
The objective of this work was to improve the composting performance of the chicken litter, incorporating effective microorganisms (EM). Two trials are carried out on beds of one and three broods with which 1 m3 piles were assembled with three replicas for trial A and 2 replicates for trial B. Three treatments were carried out: control (C) without EM, treatment 1 (EM-1® 1:50) and treatment 2 (EM 1® 1:10). The data were statistically evaluated by a factorial model for the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The means that appeared significant differences were compared using the Tukey test. Physicochemical variables were analyzed: temperature, PH, electrical conductivity, humidity and microbiological. The trials were developed for 81 days, trial A and 55 days, trial B. In general, all the composting parameters show that the treatments have a similar pattern, complying with current regulations as a class B compost for quality indicators and level of pathogens. The decrease in the values of coliforms and Salmonella sp. indicates that with a pile less than 1 meter high, the pathogen load can be eliminated from the second turning. The treatment 2 (EM-1® 1:10) improves the PH parameters and electrical conductivity in the stacked litter in some stages of the composting process.
The objective of this work was to improve the composting performance of the chicken litter, incorporating effective microorganisms (EM). Two trials are carried out on beds of one and three broods with which 1 m3 piles were assembled with three replicas for trial A and 2 replicates for trial B. Three treatments were carried out: control (C) without EM, treatment 1 (EM-1® 1:50) and treatment 2 (EM 1® 1:10). The data were statistically evaluated by a factorial model for the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The means that appeared significant differences were compared using the Tukey test. Physicochemical variables were analyzed: temperature, PH, electrical conductivity, humidity and microbiological. The trials were developed for 81 days, trial A and 55 days, trial B. In general, all the composting parameters show that the treatments have a similar pattern, complying with current regulations as a class B compost for quality indicators and level of pathogens. The decrease in the values of coliforms and Salmonella sp. indicates that with a pile less than 1 meter high, the pathogen load can be eliminated from the second turning. The treatment 2 (EM-1® 1:10) improves the PH parameters and electrical conductivity in the stacked litter in some stages of the composting process.
Compostaje, Microorganismos efectivos, Producción avícola, Composting, Effective microorganisms, Poultry production
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