Estudio y diseño de sistema aprovechamiento cama de pollos
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El objetivo del presente proyecto es lograr un aprovechamiento de la cama de pollos (residuo) ya utilizada en granjas avícolas; para lo cual se evalúan distintas alternativas posibles y finalmente se elige la que, a priori, resulta ser más viable. Se toma una granja modelo de la zona para ser usada como guía.
Entonces se procede al desarrollo de la alternativa elegida, la cual consiste en un sistema de gasificación, que utiliza la cama de pollo como materia prima para la producción de energía eléctrica.
Finalmente se hace una evaluación económica del sistema desarrollado para verificar la viabilidad del proyecto.
The target of this project is to achieve the reuse of poultry litter from local poultry farms, for which different alternatives are evaluated and finally the one that beforehand seems to be more viable it is chosen and as a guide a local farm will be used. Then the chosen alternative is developed, which consists in a gasification system where the poultry litter is used as raw material for the production of electricity. Finally an economic evaluation of the system developed is made to verify the viability of the project.
The target of this project is to achieve the reuse of poultry litter from local poultry farms, for which different alternatives are evaluated and finally the one that beforehand seems to be more viable it is chosen and as a guide a local farm will be used. Then the chosen alternative is developed, which consists in a gasification system where the poultry litter is used as raw material for the production of electricity. Finally an economic evaluation of the system developed is made to verify the viability of the project.
Cama de pollo, Abono, Granja avícola
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