Sostenimiento académico de los estudiantes de nivel superior : motivos de la deserción de los estudiantes en los profesorados de la Escuela Normal Superior R.O.U.
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La presente propuesta de investigación pretende indagar y conocer sobre cuáles son los motivos que inciden en los estudiantes que abandonaron o interrumpen el cursado en el nivel superior de la Esc. Normal Superior “R.O.U.”.
Alcanzado el propósito, una vez obtenidos los resultados de la investigación, poder con ellos, diagramar mediante estrategias y crear dispositivos de acción educativa, para atenuar así la deserción.
El tipo de investigación es hipotética deductiva, ya que tiene como objetivo analizar datos de ingreso y egreso de los estudiantes registrados en los años académicos 2018 al 2021 y encuestar a los que han abandonado o interrumpido por distintas circunstancias el trayecto en dicho período.
El objetivo de la investigación es conocer, mediante el análisis de datos y encuestas, cuáles son las variables que los condicionan o motivaron a desertar o interrumpir su formación. Para ello, se analizarán y presentarán las propuestas que pretenden dar respuestas a las necesidades expuestas por los ex estudiantes y a la preocupación institucional.
This research proposal is intended to inquire into and know which are the reasons that influence the students that have dropped out or interrupted their course of studies at the tertiary level of Esc. Normal Superior “R.O.U.” (“R.O.U.” Higher Normal School). Having reached this goal and once the results of this research have been obtained, we shall be able, with them, to diagram strategies and create educational action devices, to attenuate the dropout. This type of research is hypothetical deductive, since it has as an aim to analyze matriculation and graduation data of those students registered for the academic years 2018 to 2021 and to survey those who have dropped out or interrupted their course due to different circumstances during the aforementioned period. The objective of this research is to know, through data analysis and surveys, which are the variables that condition or motivate students to drop out or interrupt their training. For this, we shall analyze the proposals that intend to address the needs expressed by former students and the concern of the institution
This research proposal is intended to inquire into and know which are the reasons that influence the students that have dropped out or interrupted their course of studies at the tertiary level of Esc. Normal Superior “R.O.U.” (“R.O.U.” Higher Normal School). Having reached this goal and once the results of this research have been obtained, we shall be able, with them, to diagram strategies and create educational action devices, to attenuate the dropout. This type of research is hypothetical deductive, since it has as an aim to analyze matriculation and graduation data of those students registered for the academic years 2018 to 2021 and to survey those who have dropped out or interrupted their course due to different circumstances during the aforementioned period. The objective of this research is to know, through data analysis and surveys, which are the variables that condition or motivate students to drop out or interrupt their training. For this, we shall analyze the proposals that intend to address the needs expressed by former students and the concern of the institution
Educación superior, Deserción escolar, Metodología didáctica, Tics
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