Utilización de poliestireno expandido para la obtención de nuevos recubrimientos
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AJEA- Actas de Jornadas y Eventos Académicos de UTN
El cuidado del medio ambiente se ha convertido en una preocupación de la sociedad debido al incremento de los niveles de contaminación en los últimos años. Conceptos tales como economía circular, sustentabilidad y sostenibilidad han cobrado vital importancia. En ese sentido, los residuos deberían poder aprovecharse en una segunda cadena de valor bajo los lineamientos de economía circular. El poliestireno expandido es uno de los polímeros sintéticos que más se produce en el mundo debido a su versatilidad. Contiene un 98 % de aire y un 2 % de poliestireno, por lo tanto, ocupa un gran espacio en vertederos exhibiendo implicaciones ambientales significativas. El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de recubrimientos basados en poliestireno expandido utilizando solventes verdes. Los principales resultados muestran que es posible obtener recubrimientos basados en poliestireno expandido recuperado y aceite esencial de naranjas con excelentes propiedades en cuanto a aspecto, tiempo de secado e hidrofobicidad.
Caring for the environment has become a concern for society due to increasing levels of pollution in recent years. Concepts such as circular economy, sustainability and sustainability have gained vital importance. In that sense, waste should be able to take advantage of a second value chain under the guidelines of circular economy. Expanded polystyrene is one of the most widely produced non-renewable polymer in the world due to its versatility. It contains 98 % air and 2 % polystyrene and therefore takes up a large amount of landfill space with significant environmental implications. The aim of this work is to develop coatings based on expanded polystyrene using green solvents. The main results show that it is possible to obtain coatings based on recovered expanded polystyrene and essential oil from oranges with excellent properties in terms of appearance, drying time and hydrophobicity.
Caring for the environment has become a concern for society due to increasing levels of pollution in recent years. Concepts such as circular economy, sustainability and sustainability have gained vital importance. In that sense, waste should be able to take advantage of a second value chain under the guidelines of circular economy. Expanded polystyrene is one of the most widely produced non-renewable polymer in the world due to its versatility. It contains 98 % air and 2 % polystyrene and therefore takes up a large amount of landfill space with significant environmental implications. The aim of this work is to develop coatings based on expanded polystyrene using green solvents. The main results show that it is possible to obtain coatings based on recovered expanded polystyrene and essential oil from oranges with excellent properties in terms of appearance, drying time and hydrophobicity.
Cuidado del medio ambiente, Economía circular, Poliestireno expandido, Reciclaje, Environmental care, Circular economy, Expanded polystyrene, Recycling
Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología 2023
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