Definición de riesgos para el proceso de despliegue de sistemas software.
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Escuela de Posgrado - UTN FRBA
El despliegue es el proceso por el cual se hace la transferencia del sistema de software a la empresa cliente. Un riesgo es la probabilidad de que ocurra una pérdida y en un proyecto de software, podría presentarse mediante la disminución de la calidad del producto software, el aumento de los costos, el retraso en la finalización o una falla, entre otras pérdidas.
En la actualidad, una condición imperante para el crecimiento de la industria del software es que las empresas ofrezcan productos de mayor calidad, que satisfaga las demandas y exigencias del cliente, pero sobre todo que genere confianza al momento de su uso. Esto se logra mediante la aplicación de modelos y metodologías de gestión de riesgos reconocidos internacionalmente. Sin embargo, en Argentina, la industria del software está compuesta mayoritariamente por pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMEs), las cuales representan casi el 80% del sector (esto las constituye como un eslabón fundamental en la economía del país), pero en las mismas se hace muy difícil de implementar este tipo de modelos y metodologías debido a que implica una gran inversión en dinero, tiempo y recursos.
En este contexto y entendiendo la necesidad de llevar adelante iniciativas que contribuyan con el desarrollo y mejore la competitividad de dichas empresas, el presente trabajo de tesis tiene como objetivo en primer lugar, aportar a los Ingenieros de Software involucrados en proyectos de desarrollo de software en PyMEs, un conjunto de riesgos a considerar en el proceso de despliegue de los sistemas de software que cubren tres aspectos, el proceso en sí, el producto a implantar y el peopleware que participa en el proceso, así como también los procedimientos para su prevención, mitigación y/o transferencia los cuales también se adaptan a las características de las PyMEs. En segundo y no por tratarse de menor importancia que el primero, fortalecer el proceso de despliegue de sistemas de software que, por considerarse el último eslabón de la cadena de producción de software, en muchas ocasiones no es tan abordado.
Por último, se desarrollan dos estudios de caso aplicando el conjunto de riesgos propuestos, así como también los procedimientos para su prevención, mitigación y/o transferencia en dos PyMEs de desarrollo de software de Argentina. Esto permitió confirmar la viabilidad de la propuesta, así como también robustecer el proceso de despliegue de sistemas de software.
Deployment is the process through which the software system is transferred to the client company. A risk is the probability that a loss will occur and in a software project, it could occur through a decrease in the quality of the software product, an increase in costs, a delay in completion or a failure, among other losses. Currently, a prevailing condition for the growth of the software industry is that companies offer higher quality products that satisfy the demands and requirements of the customer, but above all that generates confidence at the time of use. This is achieved through the application of internationally recognized risk management models and methodologies. However, in Argentina, the software industry is mainly made up of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), which represent almost 80% of the sector (this constitutes them as a fundamental link in the country's economy), but in the same it becomes very difficult to implement this type of models and methodologies because it involves a large investment in money, time and resources. In this context and understanding the need to carry out initiatives that contribute to the development and improve the competitiveness of these companies, the present thesis work aims in the first place, to contribute to Software Engineers involved in software development projects in SMEs, a set of risks to consider in the software systems deployment process that cover three aspects, the process itself, the product to be implemented and the peopleware that participates in the process, as well as the procedures for their prevention, mitigation and / or transfer which are also adapted to the characteristics of SMEs. Second, and not because it is less important than the first, to strengthen the software system deployment process, which, as it is considered the last link in the software production chain, is often not so addressed. Finally, two case studies are developed applying the set of proposed risks, as well as the procedures for their prevention, mitigation and / or transfer in two software development SMEs in Argentina. This made it possible to confirm the viability of the proposal, as well as to strengthen the process of deployment of software systems.
Deployment is the process through which the software system is transferred to the client company. A risk is the probability that a loss will occur and in a software project, it could occur through a decrease in the quality of the software product, an increase in costs, a delay in completion or a failure, among other losses. Currently, a prevailing condition for the growth of the software industry is that companies offer higher quality products that satisfy the demands and requirements of the customer, but above all that generates confidence at the time of use. This is achieved through the application of internationally recognized risk management models and methodologies. However, in Argentina, the software industry is mainly made up of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), which represent almost 80% of the sector (this constitutes them as a fundamental link in the country's economy), but in the same it becomes very difficult to implement this type of models and methodologies because it involves a large investment in money, time and resources. In this context and understanding the need to carry out initiatives that contribute to the development and improve the competitiveness of these companies, the present thesis work aims in the first place, to contribute to Software Engineers involved in software development projects in SMEs, a set of risks to consider in the software systems deployment process that cover three aspects, the process itself, the product to be implemented and the peopleware that participates in the process, as well as the procedures for their prevention, mitigation and / or transfer which are also adapted to the characteristics of SMEs. Second, and not because it is less important than the first, to strengthen the software system deployment process, which, as it is considered the last link in the software production chain, is often not so addressed. Finally, two case studies are developed applying the set of proposed risks, as well as the procedures for their prevention, mitigation and / or transfer in two software development SMEs in Argentina. This made it possible to confirm the viability of the proposal, as well as to strengthen the process of deployment of software systems.
Sistemas de Información, Gestión de riesgos, Despliegue de sistemas de software, PyMEs, Risk management, Deployment of software systems, SMEs
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