Neumáticos fuera de uso : en pequeños y medianos municipios
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La masiva fabricación de neumáticos y las dificultades para que su degradación se produzca
una vez usados, constituye un grave problema para cualquier comunidad, ya que impactan
directamente en el ambiente y la salud de las personas.
Cuando no existe una correcta gestión de este tipo de residuos, se almacenan en vertederos no
controlados o controlados, o bien llegan a depositarse en la vía pública y hasta en cursos de agua.
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo buscar una solución para este tipo de residuos en pequeños
y medianos municipios, donde los recursos para gestionar de manera correcta los RSU son
Para buscar esta solución, se nombran casos nacionales e internacionales y se analizan alternativas para el tratamiento, llegando a una propuesta y sus conclusiones.
Lo particular, es que este proyecto está orientado a una articulación pública-privada, mediante un emprendimiento de triple impacto.
The massive manufacture of tires and the difficulties for their degradation to occur once used, constitutes a serious problem for any community, because they directly impact the environment and the health of people. When there is no proper management of this type of waste, it is stored in uncontrolled or controlled landfills, or it ends up being deposited on public roads and even in waterways. This project aims to find a solution for this type of waste in small and medium-sized cities, where the resources to correctly manage MSW are limited. To find this solution, national and international cases are named and alternatives for treatment are analyzed, reaching a proposal and its conclusions. The particular thing is that this project is oriented to a public-private articulation, through a triple impact entrepreunership.
The massive manufacture of tires and the difficulties for their degradation to occur once used, constitutes a serious problem for any community, because they directly impact the environment and the health of people. When there is no proper management of this type of waste, it is stored in uncontrolled or controlled landfills, or it ends up being deposited on public roads and even in waterways. This project aims to find a solution for this type of waste in small and medium-sized cities, where the resources to correctly manage MSW are limited. To find this solution, national and international cases are named and alternatives for treatment are analyzed, reaching a proposal and its conclusions. The particular thing is that this project is oriented to a public-private articulation, through a triple impact entrepreunership.
Neumáticos, Caucho, Medioambiente, Neumatico-residuos
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