Modelo semántico de repositorio de procesos de negocio para la gestión de procesos de negocio colaborativos
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AJEA- Actas de Jornadas y Eventos Académicos de UTN
En los contextos actuales, las organizaciones tienden a establecer relaciones de integración, cooperación y colaboración, lo que resulta en nuevas formas de redes colaborativas. La colaboración es posible a través de la ejecución de procesos de negocio colaborativos (CBP, del inglés Collaborative Business Processes). La gestión de repositorios de modelos de procesos en colaboraciones interorganizacionales es una funcionalidad básica requerida en redes colaborativas de organizaciones. Si bien existen propuestas que permiten gestionar repositorios de modelos de procesos de negocio, las mismas presentan distintas deficiencias, como la ausencia de soporte para CBP o la imposibilidad de garantizar la interoperabilidad. El problema de reunir sistemas de información heterogéneos y distribuidos se conoce como problema de interoperabilidad. Para garantizar la interoperabilidad en el intercambio de información en una colaboración interorganizacional (heterogénea) es necesario el uso de modelos semánticos basados en ontologías. En el presente proyecto se propone un modelo basado en ontologías y tecnologías semánticas para la gestión de procesos de negocio interorganizacionales, que garantice interoperabilidad.
In current contexts, organizations tend to establish relationships of integration, cooperation and collaboration, resulting in new forms of collaborative networks. Collaboration is made possible through the execution of Collaborative Business Processes (CBP). The management of process model repositories in inter-organizational collaborations is a basic functionality required in collaborative networks of organizations. Although there are proposals that allow managing repositories of business process models, they have different deficiencies, such as the lack of support for CBP or the impossibility of guaranteeing interoperability. The problem of bringing together heterogeneous and distributed information systems is known as the interoperability problem. To guarantee interoperability in the exchange of information in an inter-organizational (heterogeneous) collaboration, the use of semantic models based on ontologies is necessary. In this project, a model based on ontologies and semantic technologies is proposed for the management of inter-organizational business processes, which guarantees interoperability.
In current contexts, organizations tend to establish relationships of integration, cooperation and collaboration, resulting in new forms of collaborative networks. Collaboration is made possible through the execution of Collaborative Business Processes (CBP). The management of process model repositories in inter-organizational collaborations is a basic functionality required in collaborative networks of organizations. Although there are proposals that allow managing repositories of business process models, they have different deficiencies, such as the lack of support for CBP or the impossibility of guaranteeing interoperability. The problem of bringing together heterogeneous and distributed information systems is known as the interoperability problem. To guarantee interoperability in the exchange of information in an inter-organizational (heterogeneous) collaboration, the use of semantic models based on ontologies is necessary. In this project, a model based on ontologies and semantic technologies is proposed for the management of inter-organizational business processes, which guarantees interoperability.
Gestión de procesos de negocio, Procesos de negocio inter- organizacionales, Redes colaborativas, Repositorios de procesos de negocio, Sistemas de información, Business process management, Inter-organizational business processes, Collaborative networks, Business process repositories, Information systems
Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología 2022
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