Caracterización de dispositivos de tres puertos mediante parámetros dispersivos. Una revisión matemática
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En este trabajo se presenta una descripción de dispositivos de tres puertos, tal como un amplificador u
oscilador a transistor, en términos de parámetros “S” (dispersivos). Mediante este estudio, se pueden
deducir fórmulas de conversión para pasar de un tipo de configuración a otro. Asimismo, se presenta aquí
un ejemplo de aplicación para las configuraciones de emisor común y base común, como así también el
diseño de un oscilador de 4 GHz. Además se muestra un procedimiento de estabilización, en donde se
utiliza la matriz general “S” como nexo entre la matriz para una red de dos puertos sin estabilización y la
matriz estabilizada. Las expresiones analíticas obtenidas concuerdan muy bien con los resultados obtenidos por el fabricante, sin embargo, pueden aparecer algunas pequeñas diferencias debido a que los dispositivos fueron considerados ideales o sin pérdidas.
In this paper a mathematical description of three-port devices, such as a transistor amplifier or oscillator, in terms of “S” parameters (scattering) is presented. By means of this study, conversion formulae to go from one configuration to another can be here found. Furthermore, an application example for common- emitter and common-base configurations as well as a 4 GHz oscillator design will be shown. In addition, a stabilization procedure will be pointed out, in which the general “S” matrix is used as a bond between the two-port network matrix without stabilization and the stabilized matrix. The derived analytic expressions agree very well with the manufacturer measurement results, however, some small differences between both may appear due to the devices were considered lossless.
In this paper a mathematical description of three-port devices, such as a transistor amplifier or oscillator, in terms of “S” parameters (scattering) is presented. By means of this study, conversion formulae to go from one configuration to another can be here found. Furthermore, an application example for common- emitter and common-base configurations as well as a 4 GHz oscillator design will be shown. In addition, a stabilization procedure will be pointed out, in which the general “S” matrix is used as a bond between the two-port network matrix without stabilization and the stabilized matrix. The derived analytic expressions agree very well with the manufacturer measurement results, however, some small differences between both may appear due to the devices were considered lossless.
amplificador de tres puertos, parámetros “s”, parámetros dispersivos, three ports amplifier, “s” parameters, scattering parameters
Proyecciones, Vol.5 No. 1
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