Well Water in the Guarani Aquifer Region: Analysis of Water Purification by Reverse Osmosis Systems


Abstract: The National Academy of Engineering defined the water scarcity as one of the modern problems that society is facing. Given the consequences that lack of water can bring to a community, finding ways to approach this problem is of utmost importance. The Guarani Aquifer region represents a good source to satisfy this need and guarantee water access to cities, towns or communities. However, groundwater carries some pollutants that come from different sources, which implies that the water must be purified to avoid health problems. The main objective of this work is to explore the main advantages of Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems and to propose it as an efficient method to purify water within each household.



Desalination, Desalinización, Reverse Osmosis, Osmosis Inversa, Energy, Energía, Water Treatment, Tratamiento del Agua, Well Water, Agua de Pozo, Filters, Filtros





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